Chapter 11

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The crowd watched in suspense for the fight to begin, having already been told by Leo what was asked and that Percy was in a foul mood.

The automatons had reached their full speed and Percy still hadn't moved. A bull was the first machine to reach him and an axe was raised into the sky to split the demigod in half when Percy finally sprung into action. With speeds that had some of the demigods struggling to keep up he cut of the bulls head.

A moment's hesitation being the only indicator that something happened before the bull swung down. Percy gave half a step to the left and the axe missed his shoulder by a hairs width. Quickly the automatons' arm was cut into four piece yet the bull kept going.

The rest of the robotic army had now arrived and Percy was attacked from all sides. Some of the campers sucked in their breathe while others were worried about what had caused this mood of their friend.

When all the monsters nearest to him attacked at the same time, that's when the real battle began. Percy was like death incarnate sowing destruction wherever he went. Robot limbs and weapons fell to the ground left, right and centre. At one time Percy hurled his sword straight through a bears head and impaled a human looking automaton to the arena wall.

On his run to retrieve his blade Percy punched a lion in the face and the metal was crushed like paper under Percy's fists. After getting his sword out of the human looking robot and cutting it into quarters he jumped back into motion. The fighting had picked up and was getting more intense. Rain started to fall and thunder clapped. Percy slashed stabbed spun and whirled all while on the move. Not one movement was wasted and with each step critical damage was done to the nearest automaton in the vicinity.

But Percy wasn't going to come out unscathed. His shirt had long since been ripped to shreds and flung of his body. Most of the campers had seen Percy without a shirt on, yet it was still a bit of a gruesome sight to see all the scars. Even for a demigod Percy had many, which was kind of understandable with everything he went through.

It took him little less than two hours to completely turn all of camps training robots to mere junk lettering the arena floor. Percy was standing in the middle of it panting heavily. Blood ran down his chest and back, yet it didn't seem to bother him. All that mattered to him was that the feeling had disappeared if only temporarily. Riptide was tightly clutched in his hand moving up and down with the movements of his shoulders.

One automaton seemed to have been hiding underneath his fallen comrades and tried to sneak attack Percy from behind. Just as the human/ape robot jumped to slash at Percy with a Katana. Like lightning a frozen spike shot out of the ground and impaled the machine mid-flight. The red eyes became dull and shut down entirely.

Percy sighed heavily and rolled his shoulders. He walked over to the rest of the campers while putting away Riptide. A small smile was adorning his lips as he walked with his hands in his pockets. The sky cleared quicker than the storm had come. Percy stopped in front of the campers looking at him wide eyed and scratched the back of his head.

" Well...humm...sorry about the you know...storm and everything. Had some issues I had to deal with so....sorry again for ruining your day."

He waited for a response but got none.

" Oh I know. The least I can do is dry all of you."

During the rain everyone had gotten soaked, but didn't seem to notice and just whatched the awesome display of power.

Percy lifted his hand and everyone was dry as can be.

" Ok so I'm going to take a swim in the lake healing these wounds and releasing the adrenaline. Just so you know guys, that definitely helped thanks alot. Sorry about the mess."

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