Chapter 2

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( Percy )

"Percy are you sure that you're allowed to fly in Zeus's domain? I mean I know that you saved the world twice, but you know how your uncle is."

I roll my eyes at my mother's worried tone.

" Yes mom. After the giant war me, Zeus and Hades patched things up. I'm now allowed to be in both of their domain without worry. Also dad will go to war with him if he ever does try anything."

Paul looks me up and down.

" I don't think I'll ever get used to how easily you make war sound. Then I have to remind myself who I'm talking with.... You know Percy I've never thought about it but people around the world doesn't even know their lives are in danger and you take that responsiblity and you never even got a thanks."

I put my hand on Paul's shoulder.

" Nevermind that it's over now....I don't like thinking about it."

He nods his head in understanding and lead us through the terminal. The airport is quiet today unlike other days where everyone is screaming and shouting. I make it through security quite easily considering that I have Riptide in my pocket and an imperial gold hunting knife strapped to my thigh. Although the mist did most of the work.

Half an hour later the plane's taking off. On my right is mom and Paul. Left of me sit's a youngish woman looking dead tired, in her arms are two babies. They look like twin girls. Both are crying at the top of their lungs.

" Can I try and calm Them down Miss?"

She nods slowly and I gently reach over showing I mean no harm and take one of the girls and put her in my lap. The woman eyes me suspiciously while the baby still in her arms is half crying half looking at me curiously. I look down to the baby on my lap and start playing with her.

On purpose I let a calming aura leave my body enveloping myself, mom and Paul along with the woman and her babies. Both of them is now quiet, the woman is looking at me with wide eyes as both the babies has stopped crying. She doesn't know that n let some of my aura go she just thinks I have a way with kids, which I do. The girl still in her arms try to reach out to me and I again gently take her out of the mothers arms. Both babies are now sitting on my lap, one on each leg. I look at the woman to find her muttering something under her breath about miracles, but in Latin.

" Miss, you can sleep now I will watch over your children until you wake up."

She looks at me, her eyes even wider then before.

" You speak Latin? I thought you were an American. "

" I am, but me and my friends travel alot and we try to learn a few things. I can speak English, Latin, Greek along with bits of French, but that's only because that is one of my friends' home language."

" Ah I see. Are you sure about watching over my children? They are quite the handful."

" Don't worry they will be fine, now get some rest."

She nods her head and within moments she's asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. My calming aura feels like the ocean, the waves gently washing ashore. It makes the woman's sleep deepen and I can hear a sigh of relief and content. I look right to see mom and Paul laughing at my predicament, but not for long because my aura puts them to sleep as well.

I play and coo at the babies, not even checking the time. After a while they too fall asleep. My arms are wrapped around them while their small heads is resting in the crook of my neck on either side. Mom and Paul woke up a few times during the flight and the woman only once before sleep overtook her again.

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