Chapter 10

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The day dragged on for Percy, each class was longer than the last one. The aching feeling he had still hadn't gone away. He couldn't focus on his work and struggled concentrating more than usual.

He decided he's going to ask his mom after school seeing as he's stumped on what's actually wrong with him. Percy walked past the mermaids and their boyfriends on his way to the next class, unfortunately he wasn't in the mood to mess with them. He had already made them suspicious enough.

Percy was trying his best to focus on what Paul was saying, but ultimately failing. Paul had realized that something was off today, Percy was unusually distracted even for him. Also every time they past each other in the halls usually Percy would make small talk or tell a joke, but today it seemed as if he didn't even realise where he was.

Percy was ready to blow up by the time the bell rang. He waited for the rest of the class to file out while tapping his foot impatiently on the ground as if it was going to hurry them up. His face was contorted into one of serious thinking.

The moment all students had left the class and the door was closed Paul opened his mouth to ask Percy what the matter was. Unfortunately he turned to mist and disappeared. Leaving Paul muttering to himself about the unfairness of having to drive home.

Percy appeared in the living room without so much as a sound, giving Sally a heart attack when she did notice him.

" Percy glad to see your ho-... Percy what's wrong baby? I didn't see you this morning, where were you?"

He walked over to where his mother sat and plopped down beside her and sighed in frustration, rubbing his temples.

" Adrianna had a nightmare and when she called me I went over there. I ended up sleeping the night and well we sorta slept in the same bed.-"

Sally looked at his son quizzically.

" She wanted me to stay and not leave her alone."

She nodded in acceptance.

" Anyways after she fell asleep I struggled cause I had this aching feeling in my chest that kind of hurt you know. So the rest of the night I just layed there holding Adrianna and at one point it almost got worse. I made breakfast and went to school from there."

By now his face was contorted into a painfull expression and his eyes were gleaming, but he didn't seem to notice. Sally looked on sadly at her son already at a conclusion at what the problem is. Percy stood up and paced the room.

" Also the whole day at school the feeling wouldn't go away and I couldn't focus. The more I tried ignoring it the more it hurt."

Percy was swinging his arms wildly and looked almost angry, at what no one knew.

" And it hurt mom! Like a bottomless hole in my chest! It's hurting more than any physical wound I have ever gotten! And that's saying a lot! I've been tortured in Tartarus and it didn't hurt this much!!!"

The ground was starting to give slight tremors and the loose objects on tables and such was rattling. Percy had tears streaming down his face and looked at his mother, anger and defeat painfully clear exposed on his face. Sally jumped up and wrapped her son in the tightest hug she could manage. Carefully she lead him back to the couch still holding on tightly.

Percy had his hands clenched in her shirt and crying his eyes out. Over what, he himself did not not know yet. Sally was crying on the inside as well now. It was the first time since Percy got back from war that he gave her even the slightest hint of what happened in Tartarus and the sliver of information shocked her to the core. Outside she was keeping a calm face, trying to be strong.

Percy had always been the one that was strong for everyone else. He was there as the shoulder to cry on, the sparring partner to vent anger or even the quiet listener when others needed to rant about the unfairness of having to lose so many people and not once had anyone been that person for him, Annabeth may have been close just not quite yet. Today Sally decided she was going to be that person.

Sally took a deep breath thinking how she was going to tell Percy this.

" Percy honey, that feeling that your feeling. That hole as you said.... it's longing. Percy you're hurting because you miss Annabeth. Even though you act fine and think you're fine, but when in reality you've been hurting since that day. I think sleeping next to Adrianna brought that realisation to light and for the first time you actually feel it. It's also the first time you experience this, that's why you didn't know what the problem was."

At the end of Sally's speech the tremors had stopped, bit Percy had started crying harder. In result creating a storm over the whole Gold Coast, that started raining heavily. Percy's body was shaking in his mother's arms, while she just held on to her son that has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Suddenly like a light switch all his emotions changed. He pulled away from his mother and stood up. Percy was standing with his back turned to Sally, making it impossible for her to see his face. He was breathing hard causing his shoulders to rise and fall in rhythm with his short, shallow breaths.

Percy turned around facing his mother and tears swelled in her eyes when she saw a hard face letting his emotions be unreadable. She reached out to him but he dissolved into mist, but unlike the way he arrived there was a pop sound a clear indicator of the force put into the travel method.

On the other side of the world a loud pop echoes through the cabin areas. Slowly clouds started to form. Percy stormed over to the Hephaestus cabin, literally stormed. His legs was cut off at the half with winds below that. He knocked on the door hard. Luckily for everyone the person he was after opened the door. Leo poked his head out the door ready to make a snarky comment at the person who did it only to find himself looking up at Percy. He immediately saw that something was wrong.

" Hey dude something up?"

Without a word Percy grabbed his arm and they appeared in the sword arena. He turned to Leo.

" You know the automatons that can be used by the elder campers for training and that they have different levels?"

Leo nodded his head.

" Ok please set them to max and then some more."

Leo's eyes widened.

" Dude are you sure? The max level is already impossible as it is I mean-"

Percy burst.

" Just do it Leo! I need them! Now!"

Without further questions he pulled out his Wii controller and made some adjustments, having realized that today wasn't the day to mess around. By now the sky was dark and most of the senior campers had escorted the younger campers from their activities back to the cabins. Afterwards most of them moved to the sword arena knowing that that's where things we're going down.

Just as most of the people got there including Chiron, the automatons started up. The normal blue in the eyes was now a bright red and the machines were smoking from the pistons and other parts working overtime for the session about to start. The crowd gathered just outside the gates to the arena after Leo told them to not get any closer.

Percy was using all his willpower to not blow up there and wait for the automatons to attack. His mind was a mess and he wasn't thinking straight, but one thing always put his head back on the right way and that was sword fighting. Riptide was already uncapped and in his right hand the tip touching the ground.

Fifty or so automatons with different shapes, sizes and animal types lifted weapons or claws and charged at the demigod seemingly calmly awaiting them. When in fact his whole body was shaking wanting to spring into action and just do something.

So hope you realized I wrote in a different POV in this chapter. I wanted to try it out seeing as most professional writers do it as such. Tell me what you think.

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