Chapter 13

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Bella lets go of my hand and quickly stands up. Suddenly all the girls in the room could feel the pressure again, but Bella stood her ground. "Everyone just stop. Zane I don't think you want to mess with Percy. He said it isn't his fault and he's trying to suppress it but that's the best he can do.

He looked at her incredulously," And you actually believe that bull-crap? Get out of my way he probably has you under some kind of spell." Zane moves to push Bella out of the way when next moment I stands in front of him.

I am holding the hand, that he was about to use to push Bella, around the wrist." Look dude its all fun and games no need to get all worked up. Tell you what, give me a second and when I'm back there wont be so much pressure on the girls." We stand there looking at each other for a few seconds before I release his hand and he moves back.

The thing is I only want to mess with them a bit, I am not here to make trouble. It is clear they know nothing about the mythological world and I'll tell them .. in due time. Gathering my powers I mist transport out of the room and into the ocean a few miles away. The water churns in anticipation and I rocket forward until n reach the middle of nowhere.

Sinking down a few hundred feet, greeting all types of animals on the way down both mortal and mythological, I stop when I touch the bottom. The sand billows up in slow motion around my feet. I could feel the pressure down here but it didn't bother me at all. In fact it was going to help me with why I am here. I needed to release some power to drop the pressure on the girls when I am close by, Zane didn't know that I could easily give out an aura strong enough for even mortals to drop into a bow or just lying flat on their face, but that would have been to much for the mermaids to bear.

I was telling the truth when I said that I was trying my best to make my aura bearable for Bella and the rest, not my fault my powers grew after my trip to Tartarus. The tension in my gut grew stronger and stronger until it almost hurt. The water around me was starting to vibrate more and more with each passing second. I focus on tunneling my power in a straight funnel upwards. Finally I let my powers take control and the water shoots upward from around me, leaving me in a circle of water on dry ground.

The ocean suddenly slams back down over me with thousands of tons of water. I roll my shoulders and sigh, relieved of the release of power. That whole stunt didn't put a dent in my power reserve but only skimmed of the top, which was the purpose of the exercise. My passive aura radiates the overflow of power and then when I actively let out my aura that is when monsters piss their pants or loincloths.

I knew this would cause some scientist to do research here to explain the phenomenon, but luckily that is what the mist is there for.


We all were just sitting there. No one was talking, the silence completely covering us. There was an awkward tension between the three of us and Bella, it almost felt like betrayal but how could that be? Maybe because she was the first one to spend time with Percy. It was from an objective view kind of funny really seeing as we all had boyfriends.

The faint scent of a sea-breeze was the only indicator before Percy appeared again sitting next to Bella on the couch. All of us mermaids stared at each other wide eyed, the pressure from his aura was infinitely better. We could think straight and all urges of bowing was gone. Zane looked at Riki, Ash at me and likewise with Lewis we all gave a collective nod and the tension in their shoulder relaxed.

Zane seemed to have calmed down enough not to challenge Percy to a fight. He looked over to the raven haired boy questioningly, "Why can you control it now and not before?"

Percy rolled his eyes. "It was always in control, I just let off some steam to take away the edge. It'll be back in a few hours."

"Let off some steam how?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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