Letter 28

13 1 0

So here I am again thinking about you, but when am I not. But I want to tell you about a dream I had.

I was sitting in a white room. I had a paint brush and on the wall it asked me to draw or paint my love for you.

So on one of the four walls I painted a rose, because I know I could never buy you enough to say how much I love you.

On the second wall I painted a roller coster. That's what we are darling. We go up and down and we are full of surprises.

On the third wall I painted a music note. Because almost every song I listen to I can think of you in some way.

On the fourth I painted a heart. It filled the entire wall. I put so many different things inside the heart as well. Like quotes and things that made me think of you the most.

When I was done I was proud of my work. I spent a lot of time and thought into each one. I later went home and I played piano while you rested on the couch from a long day at work. I went over and kissed you awake and that's when I woke up.

But when I did it made me stay up thinking about how much I really do love you. And so far, my heart had no boundaries.

I love you

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