Letter 7

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Ok I really can't end that on a badish note. I can't sleep so this is prob mostly going to be gibberish.

So what do you dream about? You tell me they are bad dreams but sometimes you don't tell me what happened. IM TO CURIOUS TO NOT KNOW! Are you sure I'm not the cat? Because curiosity almost kills me every time you don't tell me dreams, when u won't tell me your "comment" (U KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT) and when I don't hear from u in long periods of time.

Hm let's see.... What else to write about? It seems like I always talk about how much I love you (even though I can't say it enough)

But hay this one will be short because I feel like when I can no longer see the keyboard I think I'm tired lol.

So again. For the BILLIONTH time!!!!!

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Sorry best I can do at 4:14 in the morning :p

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