Letter 1

147 2 2

Dear love,

Since it's the fourth I want to tell you how you remind me of a firework. :p

1. Your eyes shine like the sparks.

2. You seem to light up my world in more ways then one.

3. I never know what to expect, what color your going to show, or how big or loud you choose to be ;)

4. You light up the dark and everyone notices you, and loves your sight.

5. Your beauty is within everything you do and act.

6. Every time I heard another boom I wanted to say I love u (a lot of them)

7. When I'm with you it's like the explosion never ends, it continues.

8. Your unexpected after colors shock me in your mood and ways. It's just what I need ^_^

9. I never want your presence (finales) to end...

10. Your kisses send shocks though me.

And that's how you remind me of a firework. Your beautiful, explosive, loud, unexpected, and I love you.

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