B Is For Bondage

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Shiro's P.O.V.
I watch my boyfriend Lance arguing with Keith over some small little thing that seemed to annoy him. They're arguing more and more lately and I don't know why. For a short while they actually started to get along but now it's like they hate each other more.

"Ugh fine whatever." I hear Lance groan which seems to close the argument

I watch him walk away and I walk over to Keith. Keith looks up at me but he doesn't say anything.

"What happened?" I ask

"He's just upset about something and needed someone to take his frustration out on." Keith grumbles "I don't understand why it has to be me though."

"Why was he frustrated?" I question

"I don't know, he mentioned something about us training but I wasn't really paying attention." Keith explains

"I'll go talk to him." I reply

"Tell him to stop picking fights with me." Keith says and walks out of the room

It seems as though Lance is in need of punishment, I can't just let him continue to pick fights. I already know what I want to do and I know it's going to work. But I think for now I'd like to find out the reason Lance was so frustrated. His punishment can come later.

I'll make him beg for me.

I walk to Lance's room and knock on the door.

"Coming!" He calls out and the door opens

When the door opens I see the tired look on his face and some of the light in his eyes is gone.

"Picking fights?" I ask

"If you're here to lecture me then I'll just go to sleep." He replies and turns away

"I want to talk Lance." I say, reaching out for his arm

"Go talk to Keith." He replies pulling away from me

That's when it clicks. Lance is jealous. Around the time Keith and I started training together more was when they started fighting again. Keith and I had similar fighting styles and close ranged weapons so it was easy to work with each other. I guess Lance started to get jealous over Keith.

"Lance, are you jealous?" I ask

He stops in his tracks and crosses his arms, holding his upper arms.

"Why do you spend so much time with Keith?" He asks

"I didn't mean to ignore you." I say hugging him tightly "We have similar training styles so it was easier to train with each other. I should have asked you to train as well."

"It's not just that." Lance says hugging me back "You always talk to him, I tried to talk to you yesterday but Keith just spoke over me and you didn't do anything."

"I'm so sorry Lance, I had no idea." I say "I promise I'll try harder."

"It's ok." He replies "I'm sorry for picking a fight with Keith."

"Well, I do believe you deserve a punishment." I whisper huskily into his ear

"A punishment?" He asks quietly

"You fight to much with Keith." I say "I need to teach you it's not ok."

"What are you going to do?" He questions

"You'll find out, come to my room after dinner." I say and press a kiss to his forehead before walking out of the room

**Time skip to after dinner**

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