A Is For Abilities

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Lance's P.O.V.
We just finished fighting off some of the Galra after Lotor gave us a piece of information to their location. Lotor has been allowed out of his cell now and has free reign over the castle. It was a bit concerning at first but now, not so much.

Matt is also staying with us and it sucks. Well I mean Matt and Lotor are great, they're really nice and talk to me, but it sucks because I have a crush on both of them. I know it's bad, I'd never confess and they'd never like me back anyway so there's no point.

I step out of blue and see the team praising one another and supporting each other. I head over to hopefully join the group. They don't notice I'm here, I don't get any praise or compliments. Not even a complaint anyone saying I did something wrong, I'm just completely ignored.

Maybe I just didn't work hard enough, maybe I need to improve my abilities so I can actually add something to this team. I guess I'll just go to the showers to clean up, then I'll train and go to bed.

I walk down the hallway all alone and a pair of footsteps walk towards me.

"Good work Lance." I hear Matt say and I look at him completely shocked

"Excuse me?" I ask confused

"Good work, you took out a lot of Galra ships." He smiles and my heart starts beating fast "Why do you look so shocked?"

"I-I just didn't think anyone would have said that..." I say shocked

"What.. tell you that you did a good job?" Matt asks

"I guess so, well I need to go shower now." I say trying to get out of talking to him, surely he can hear my fast beating heart

I quickly walk away and head to the showers. Once inside I quickly remove my armour and black body suit, hoping into the warm water and letting the hot water run down my skin. I really need to step up my game, I can't keep dragging the team down.

I turn off the water and dry myself with a towel. I put my armour and bodysuit in the cleaner and once it's clean and dry I'll be able to train. For now I get dressed in my regular clothes and head to my room to put on my face mask.

Just as I get to my door I hear a pair of footsteps walk up to me. I turn to see Lotor with a soft smile on his face.

"Lance, you did really well today." Lotor says "If you hadn't carefully though about which ships to take out the team wouldn't have won."

I stare at him, how on earth do both my crushes compliment me? How did they even notice I existed?

"T-Thank you." I say shocked and quickly head into my room

I find myself blushing profusely and I try to cool myself down. I should have a small nap before training, then it's time to work hard.

**Time skip to a week later**

Lance's P.O.V.
I've been pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion trying to improve myself. My abilities haven't improved much yet, but I just need to keep trying. I won't give up.

Matt and Lotor haven't spoken to me much since after the mission. They're busy and have better things to do than talk to me. I don't know why I got so excited they spoke to me, they were just being nice.

Right now I'm in the training room, working hard to defeat the soldiers. Maybe I have improved a little bit because instead of taking two minutes it only takes me a few seconds. I can't stop though, I need to maintain and improve myself.

I decide to call it a day and I head to the showers. I take off my armour and body suit, stepping into the shower and washing off the sweat. I dry off and get changed into my regular outfit before heading to the dining room for food.

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