S Is For Senses

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Shiro's P.O.V.
I'm watching the team train and working out what they can improve on. Keith needs to learn not to be so impulsive, Pidge needs to watch her back more, Hunk needs to watch himself and Lance needs to pay more attention as a whole.

Lance needs to heighten his senses and learn to not get distracted. He should be able to sense the solders around him but for some reason he doesn't, how am I going to be able to heighten his senses? I have an idea...

I keep having to tear my eyes away from Lance's ass. I can't describe how perfect it is. I need to stop looking because I can already feel myself getting hard. I have to wait for later, I can put my plan into action.

Lance's P.O.V.
I think I did pretty well in the training simulator. We managed to defeat the solders and we even beat our record. I wonder if Shiro will be impressed? I really want to show my boyfriend how I improved.

I tried my hardest not to get distracted and work with everyone so surely I must have improved. Maybe he'll even praise me in front of everyone. Even something tiny like that would be a dream...

After we pack away our weapons we walk over to Shiro and Allura who begin to run us through how we did. Even though we beat our records there are places we can improve on. Neither of them says anything to me which is confusing. Was I horrible? Did I mess up so badly they don't even want to bother with me?

After the de-brief is over we head to the locker rooms to clean up. As I walk away I hear Shiro call out to me but I don't really want to know what he has to say, he could have said it in front of everyone.

I make it to the locker room and take off my armour before heading into the shower. I wash off and change into my regular clothes. I walk out of the locker room and Shiro is standing by the door, as if he was waiting.

"Shiro? What are you doing?" I ask confused

"Waiting for you, why did you walk away?" He asks

"Why didn't you say anything to me in front of the team?" I reply "Was I that bad?"

"No Lance, I wanted to speak with you in private." Shiro replies, placing a hand in my shoulder "I don't want anyone else to hear this."

I start feeling nervous, what could it be that it's supposed to me a secret?

"Lance, you need to work on sensing your opponent around you." Shiro states "You can't always rely on your sense of sight or hearing."

"So what do I do?" I ask "Fight blindfolded and with ear plugs?"

"I have a better idea, meet me in my room after dinner." He says pressing a kiss on my forehead

He walks away and I raise a hand to where he kissed me. I wonder what his idea is?

**Time skip to after dinner**

Lance's P.O.V.
It's after dinner and Shiro didn't join us. I don't know what he's planning but I'm starting to get excited more than nervous. I know he won't be putting me in danger so I should look forward to it, it might be fun.

I walk up to Shiro's door and knock. The door opens and Shiro is standing there smiling at me.

"Hey 'kashi." I say "So what are we going to do?"

"How about you come in and find out." He replies

I walk in and look around, nothing seems out of place or different but for some reason the lights aren't on. I turn around to ask Shiro what's going on when a pair of lips is smashed against mine. I kiss back.

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