Finn Balor Is My Mixed Match Challenge Partner

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Bayley Arrived at Raw and was told to go to Constable Corbin's office to be told who her Mixed Match Challenge partner is. She walked into Corbin's office and stood nervously awaiting to find out.

Corbin- Ah Bayley, Just who I need to see.

Bayley- So Who my partner this year for MMC Corbin??

Corbin- Well it was very hard but I feel I have put you and your partner together as the team I know will win. So Your MMC partner is Finn Balor 

Bayley- Finn, Bayley heart rate got slightly fast as she was told Finn was her partner, the man she secretly fancies.

Corbin- So you pleased with who your partner is and ready to work with Finn to win the MMC 

Bayley- Um.. Yeah Thanks Corbin, even thought deep down Bayley want to slap Corbin silly for putting her with Finn 

After Bayley had finished her Match against Ruby riot she went to find her best friend Sasha Banks. 

Sasha- Hey Dude, Good Match 

Bayley- Thanks she said sound a bit down 

Sasha- What wrong?

Bayley- I found out who my partner is for the MMC earlier 

Sasha- Ooh I found out mine too, My partner is Bobby Lashley Who your??

Bayley-Finn Balor 

Sasha- Dude you got one hell of a good partner this year better than Elias last year 

Bayley- Yeah But Sasha remember about what i told you a little while ago about Finn 

Sasha- OMG I totally forgot you have a major crush on him 

Bayley- So what do I do??

Sasha- Either tell him or hid your feeling from him 

A little bit later Bayley was packing up to leave when there was a knock at her door, She shouted come in as she turned around expecting to see Sasha she got quite a shock when it was none other that her MMC partner Finn Balor.

Bayley- Finn what are you doing here??

Finn- Sorry to intrude but I just found out that we be working together for the MMC and I could be happier that you are my partner and I can't wait to work with you.

Bayley- I can't wait either it going to be such a good time 

Finn- Well I'll let you get back to packing and i'll see you around

Bayley- Yeah see you around 

After Finn had left Bayley felt her heart beating out of her chest she was so in love with this man How was she going to keep her feeling from getting the better of her.

Well here is the first chapter of my new book, Hope you guy's like it. What Will Happen Next??? Will Bayley be able to keep her feeling to herself or Will she profess her love for Finn?? If she does How will he React?? And who should be there first opponents in the MMC?? Until Next Time xxx

Finn Balor the Guy who I am secretly in love with is My Mixed Match PartnerWhere stories live. Discover now