Chapter 10- Jaffa cakes.

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-Tee POV-

I woke up at around 2am, we had finished our marathon a few hours ago and we were now all passed out on the floor of the apartment. I grinned as I saw Sayu leaning on Parv's shoulder on the couch. Giggling to myself, I thought: They would make a cute couple. I suddenly realized I was hungry. Extremely hungry. Do we have any food in the house? I remembered that there were Jaffa cakes in the cupboard in the kitchen, but to get to the kitchen I would have to sneak over the sleeping bodies on the floor without waking any of them up. Challenge accepted.

I couldn't see who was on the floor and who was on the couch but what I could tell was that none of them were stirring as I put my feet on the empty spots in between them. I finally managed to jump over the last body and get to the kitchen. I was still half asleep, in the darkness I couldn't see more than half a metre in front of me, and even that wasn't very clear. I yawned and started walking towards where I thought the cupboard that held the Jaffa Cakes might be and bumped into something tall. I frowned. That hadn't been there before. I looked up to see Leo looking down at me, kind of shocked. I was suddenly wide awake.

"Uh... hi?" Leo said in a whisper. He was probably trying not to wake up the others, as I could hear them all snoring in the next room, the snores ranged from the cute, soft snores coming from Sayu, Megan and Deidre to the Loud, amusing snores coming from Kogie. I blinked. "Hi?" I murmured. I saw that he was holding something cylinder shaped in his hand and I frowned, pointing at his hand, all he said was "Jaffa cakes." My eyes widened and I tried to snatch them off him, because I was just so hungry, I hadn't eaten since around 4pm and it was 10 hours later now. He was too quick though, because he moved his hand before I could get to them. I kept trying to grab the Jaffas until finally he put them high above his head so I couldn't jump high enough to get them. I tried to jump as high as I could but I still couldn't reach them. Damn my shortness!

I kept trying to grab the Jaffas, even so and I could hear him laughing as quietly as possible. I finally made one big jump, but alas I didn't reach them however I did lose my balance and start falling forward into Leo. The next thing I knew we were both on the floor and I was on top of him. We stared at each other for a few moments and I could feel my face getting redder and redder by the second, even though I knew that he couldn't see my face in this darkness. Then something happened, it wasn't really voluntary, to be honest my mind was screaming no, but I carried on anyway. We both leaned in, everything seemed to be in slow motion but just before our lips touched, the lights in the kitchen turned on. We both turned to the door to see who had seen us to see Sparkles* standing there, in shock. I heard Leo murmur something that sounded like "Sparkles*..." I jumped up, off of Leo, suddenly feeling embarassed. "Sorry, I must be interrupting something." And with that Sparkles* quick walked, almost ran, back to the next room. Leo got up and without another word, we both walked back to the next room, sleeping on opposite sides of the room. I was glad of that. I was glad that we didn't speak. Not after that encounter, anyway.

-The Next Morning-

-Sparkles* POV-

Me, Parv, Leo and Kogie were all in the car, heading back to our own apartments and everything was silent in the back of the car, where me and Leo were sitting. Parv and Kogie were chatting away happily in the front. Rage. Thats what I was feeling. Soon there was a lull in the conversation between Parv and Kogie until Parv said "It's awful quiet back there." There was another silence for a few moments and then I finally said something. "Leo kissed her." I could feel the tension in the car rise as soon as I said those words. Leo was silent, looking out of the window like a guilty child. "We all know that's off limits!" Kogie said, irritably. "Especially now when... You know." Parv finished for him. Leo finally said something "It was an accident I swear, it just kind of... happened." I looked at him, the rage burning bright. "That's no excuse, Leo! She's my bloody sister!"



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