Life That We're Living

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C's head falls softly onto my chest as her dad walks in. I immediately stiffen, preparing for the classic shovel talk, but instead he just smiles.

"I'm glad she has you, I haven't seen Carly this happy in a long time," he tells me.

I can't help the smile that forms on my face.

"She makes me really happy too," I respond.

Mr. Cato smiles again before leaving the room and I look down at the girl wrapped around me. I slowly run my fingers through her hair and she smiles in her sleep, cuddling closer. Eventually, I feel myself drift off to the soft sounds of Carly's steady breathing.

When I finally regain consciousness, I can feel rays of sun coming in through the tall windows. Wait. I don't have tall windows in my room. My eyes snap open and I bolt up into a sitting position, only to be greeted with a thud and a very disgruntled yelp. The memories of last night finally come back to me as I look down sheepishly at Carly who is glaring up at me.

"You are the worst Lennox." She states.

I pout, batting my eye lashes as I pick her up off the ground.

"Aw C, are you really going to say that to a dead man? My mom is literally going to murder me, she hasn't heard from me in over 12 hours."

C scrunches her face at that.

"You definitely should text her. Like now. She's probably so worried."

I nod in agreement, pulling out my phone and see 5 missed texts and a missed call. I grimace, opening the phone.

Mom: Do you know when you're going to be home?

Mom: Let me know when you're on your way back.

Mom: where are you?

Missed call (1)

Mom: Call me back.

Mom: never mind, called Carly's dad to check in. Be safe, I'll see you tomorrow <3

"So I'm going to be significantly less dead than originally thought," I tell C, scrolling through the alerts.

Miles: Sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep without letting you know where I was. Be home soon

"That's good. I hope your mom didn't worry too much."

"Yeah. She's been a lot more relaxed this year. I should probably head out though, I told her I'd be home soon."

C nods, pulling her blanket tightly around her.

"Thanks for staying last night. I'm sorry about your mom."

I smile and pull her into a hug, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head. My smile widens as I feel her smile grow on my chest.

"You could just stay all day. Please? Helsweel has us running our competition group dance at some halftime show tonight that you could come to."

I look down at the blonde girl in my arms.

"Of course I'll come watch you, but I have to go home- at least to shower a change clothes. You don't want to be seen with a guy who looks like he's homeless," I joke.

"I don't mind." C replies, nuzzling her head closer.

I laugh at her antics.

"What if you grab your dance stuff and you can come over to my place and I'll take you wherever it is you're dancing at?"

C immediately bolts across the room and up the stairs.

"Don't move!" She yells.

I laugh again before wandering a bit to find her dad in the kitchen.

"Hi Mr. Cato," I say a bit awkwardly, hovering in the doorway.

Carly's dad looks up from the newspaper he was reading and smiles.

"I was wondering when you two would be up. You both must've been exhausted to sleep in that long," he says.

I nod.

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me stay last night. And thanks for letting my mom know where I was. I know she must've been pretty worried." I respond.

"Not a problem, young man, I was young once too, and this here just shows me that I made the right choice to trust you with my daughter. You're a respectful and responsible boy, and I'll return that respect."

I look at the ground bashfully.

"I wouldn't say I'm known for my responsibility all the time, but thanks Mr. Cato." I say.

"You moved," C says, walking up behind me, arms crossed. "Mornin dad," she greets, dropping her bag on the floor and walking over to their pantry to rummage about.

"You still got that dance performance at the civic center tonight?" Mr. Cato asks, going back to his paper.

"Yeah. Is it okay if I head over to Miles' before? He can bring me there since he's coming anyway and we can meet you there?" C replies walking back over and dropping a couple granola bars and a water bottle into my hands.

"That's fine honey, what's the start time?"

"Uhh what a good question. Can I text them to you as soon as I get them from V? I think there's a specific lot you're supposed to park in too."

Mr. Cato nods.

"Well I guess then I'll see you kiddos later tonight. Have fun."

"Bye Mr. Cato!"

"Bye dad!"

"Sooo. Why were you two talkin about while I was upstairs?" C asks suspiciously giving me side eye as she gets in the car.

"Oh just the usual, if you hurt her I'll murder you, chop you up and hide your body around the city chat," I tell her, trying my best to keep a straight face.

"Oh my god, he did not say that," C says with a snort.

I let out a laugh in response.

"No he did not," I agree with a laugh.

Word count: 944

@alimay012 chapter 22, over two years later lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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