Decide For Me

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"What do you mean I'm not qualified?" a shrill voice demands as V, Beckett, Miles and I open the door to the studio. I look at the others in alarm and am about to shut the door again when Ms. Helsweel calls out.
"Oh no you don't. I can see you Ms. Morita, Mr. Bradstreet," she states. I swear I hear Beckett swear under his breath and Miles snickers.
"Hi Ms. Helsweel," I say taking initiative and walking across the studio, my friends close behind.
"We booked the studio to rehearse the duet and solo," V explains. Ms. Helsweel and Delanee both glance at Miles.
"Moral support," he mutters. Delanee looks away, uninterested.
"In what possible way am I unqualified to dance with the Primas?" She demands. I look at the girl in front of me, terrified for her. Who did she think she was to challenge Hell on Wheels?
"Your technique is lacking, and your attitude would not work with the rest of the group," Ms. Helsweel replies through gritted teeth.
"Maybe I'm not the problem, those three don't have good attitudes," Delanee retorts.
"Just let it go Delanee! You got cut! Now step off!" V exclaims. Delanee whirls around to glare at her.
"I was never officially cut," she snaps.
"Oh for heavens. Ms. Cato come here. Ms. Mayzler," she orders. Delanee walks over to stand next to me.
"Ms. Mayzler, you're too blonde for us today, you can go," Helsweel snaps. Delanee stomps her foot. Wow. Real mature.
"This is all your fault!" She exclaims turning back to V.
"How is this my fault? It wasn't my decision," V counters.
"You and you're little friend both brainwashed her against me," Delanee spits. V rolls her eyes.
"Don't be ridiculous, Mindy and I were nothing but honest, now you need to leave, I have this studio booked. The Primas need to rehearse," V says coldly before dropping her bag on the bench. Beckett and I follow suit.
"Dinner is still at 6 o'clock," Ms. Helsweel reminds V and Beckett on her way out.
"Okay mom," Beckett replies exasperated.
"He's your son!" Delanee exclaims, starting the whole thing over again.
"Just get out of here Delanee," I groan.
"We'll see you in a few hours," V tells Helsweel. Delanee looks back once again and glares at our group. Ms. Helsweel nods at us all before following Delanee out of the studio.
"Well that was, something," Miles says awkwardly.
"Yeah, well, welcome to the dance program," I reply.
"Okay C, we just need to finish like, the last 30 seconds of your solo right?" V asks, stepping out onto the floor.
"Fifteen, we added that turn sequence remember?" I remind her.
"Oh yeah! So stick, front kick, ariel, look back, and walk off," V instructs. I do as told and V nods.
"That's good, what's bothering me Beckett?" She asks.
"She needs to lead with her right foot on the ariel," Beckett replies, distracted by his conversation with Miles. V snaps her fingers.
"That's it, can you try it again C?" She asks. I run the combination again and V looks satisfied.
"Okay, let's just run the routine a few more times to work out any minor details," she decides.
"Is there anything else you want to work on?" V asks when the music stops for a third time.
"I think I'm good, Miles and I should be heading out now anyway, and you and Beckett still need time to rehearse your duet," I reply.
"Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow then," she replies giving me a quick hug.
"C'mon Miles, I hate to break up the bromance but, my dad is cooking dinner tonight and I'm starving," I tell my boyfriend.
"Ooh what are we having?" Miles asks.
"Salmon, because my dad doesn't half ass anything," I reply, causing us both to burst out laughing.
"That's very true," Miles agrees.

Word Count: 652

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