I Know Your Love

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"We're home!" I call out as I swing the door open for V.
"Dinner will be ready in five," My mom calls back from the kitchen. V and I walk down the hall to my room and throw our bags on my bed before walking back out to the kitchen.
"Do you need any help with dinner?" V asks.
"It's just cooling off now, thank you Vanessa. Beckett, you could learn a few things from your girlfriend," mom replies, sending a jab my way. I roll my eyes, ignoring her.
"Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there," mom shoots back. V snickers but looks away quickly when I scowl at her.
"Why don't you two go sit down," mom suggests, turning her attention back to the food. I follow V to the table and we sit in comfortable silence until mom joins us.
"So. Tell me about all the fuss with Ms. Mayzler," she says as she puts food on everyone's plate. V lets out a cute little huff.
"She's been harassing C and I about supposedly being better dancers than us ever since she got to Keaton," V tells her. I watch my mother's reaction with anticipation. One of the quickest ways to become an enemy of my mother, is to insult one of her Primas. If this girl is going after two of her dancers, she better watch out.
"I see. Well. After her little scene this afternoon, I can't say I'm surprised," my mom says tightly, obviously trying to keep her composure. Monday should be interesting.
"Are you ready for the competition tomorrow?" Mom asks, changing the subject.
"Of course," I reply, there's really no other acceptable answer. V nods in agreement and we fall into another peaceful silence.
"Well, V and I are gonna go hang out in my room," I announce after we're finished eating.
"Do you need any help?" I add. My mom shakes her head.
"Don't do anything I would do," she teases.
"Mom!" V exclaims, scandalized. My mom and I grin when she doesn't realize her mistake. She looks between the two of us watching her in amusement until my mother finally explains.
"If my predictions are correct, mom will be just fine," she says with a wink before turning around to clear the table. V blushes bright red before also turning and running down the hall to my room. I laugh and chase after her, picking her up by her waist from behind and throwing her onto the bed with our bags.
"Beckett!" She squeals as she lands among the smelly dance gear and school books.
"Come'ere?" She asks, looking up at me with her best puppy eyes. I groan. I can't say no to that face. I shove the bags onto the ground and flop onto the bed next to her. V immediately curls up next to me, resting her head on my chest.
"Do you think we'll do good tomorrow?" She mumbles. I laugh causing her head to vibrate.
"Yes V, we'll be great," I reply, picking up a piece of her hair and twisting it around my finger. She sighs.
"I don't want mom to be disappointed," she tells me. I freeze.
"Are you going to keep calling her 'mom'?" I ask.
"Is that okay?" She asks, looking up at me. I smile down at her.
"I don't think it's possible for mom to be disappointed in you," I reply with a grin. V smiles back before squirming around to make herself comfortable.
"Yeah V."
"Tell me a story?" I laugh at her request.
"Once upon a time..." I make up a story until I can feel her even breathes on my chest. I reach over to grab my phone, careful not to wake up V, and quickly text my mom, asking her to tell V's parents she would be sleeping over again. My mom responds a few moments later, so I toss my phone to the ground before pulling V into my chest and falling asleep.

Word Count: 675

So I don't know if some of you think it's weird that V stays over at Beckett's house sometimes? Idk, I sleep with guy friends and it's never in any sexual way but idk, is it something you guys find weird or is it normal? Comments?

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