part nine: gain reality

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"You yelled at him until he had a panic attack?!" Nana practically screamed at Zayn, who flinched back shaking his head 'no' infinitely.

"No Mary, it-" Anne then cut Zayn off with more yelling.

"You should've known by now that Harry cannot take pressure! He cannot deal with you yelling at him for God knows what, probably something that he cannot control!"

This alone made Harry's heart pound even more and he couldn't get the words out or defend Zayn in any manner. Zayn was left by himself, trying to speak every minute, quickly being cut off by Harry's family.

"M-Mum!" Harry managed to spit out before being pulled back by his father who shook his head disappointedly.

"I'm so sorry lad," Robin spoke, pulling Harry in for an unexpected hug. Harry didn't hug back, instead he squirmed out of Robin's grip.

"I liked you Zayn," Nana said between her teeth. "I liked you until you treated my grandson the way you just did. Unacceptable. Absolutely disrespectful! You had no idea did you?!"

"Anne, Mary-" Zayn tried again but was shushed quickly.

"We're not looking for excuses Zayn," Anne said firmly. "Harry has a serious condition. He cannot deal with added on stress and you really piled it on today. You just had to,"

"Anne I really didn't-" This time Mary stopped him again.

Harry felt like he was going in circles he felt like he was going to faint.

"You need to pack your things. You're leaving this instant," Nana put her foot down. Harry felt like he was going to throw up.

He helped me! He didn't scream at me! He was calm the entire time!

Harry couldn't speak. It was happening again.

Robin was talking into Harry's ear about one thing, and Anne and Mary were yelling in Zayn's face just a metre away.

Harry was hearing three voices at once.


Harry's palms began sweating, his chest began heaving. His lungs were beginning to burn. He didn't like this.

"Mary, it's truly not what you think it-" Zayn was digging his fingers into his palms as he was cut off again.

"It's exactly what we saw. Harry hasn't been in that state for years Zayn. Years!" Mary yelled. "You're not good for him,"

Harry fell down against the wall, brought his knees up to his chest and began sobbing uncontrollably, shaking like no other.

It was even worse than it was just minutes before this.

The day had barely started.

"Harry!" Zayn rushed to his side followed by Anne and Mary, Robin already on his knees in front of his son.

Harry was shaking from side to side, hearing only his breath.

"This is your fault Zayn!" Mary yelled, Harry's sobs turning into heaves.

Zayn ignored and focused on Harry.

"Hey, hey, hey love," Zayn reached out to grab Harry's knee but Robin swatted his hand away.

"Get away from my son! Get!"

Zayn flinched backwards as Harry tilted his head back up.

"F-Five things I-I can.." Harry grabbed onto his shins with more force. "See.."

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