part three: obviously

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"Yes Mum," Harry sighed, listening to his Mum blabber about Zayn over the phone. "We're just stopping to get some things and we'll be there shortly,"

It took four hours to drive to Harry's cottage, and Harry couldn't have been more excited to spend that four hours with Zayn.

Zayn had cranked up the speakers in Harry's car, listening to rap music that Harry had never heard. 

Zayn was constantly trying to start conversation, but Harry plugged his earbuds in wondering how he got himself into this mess to begin with.

When the two had arrived at Zayn's house, Zayn ran inside wordlessly to grab clothes, toiletries etc. 

Harry stayed in his car, a frown upon his face as he sunk back into his seat trying to beat his high score on Temple Run.

Harry played until Zayn knocked on his window, startling him causing virtual Harry to fall off the grid and into a pool of crocodiles. 

"Fucking hell Zayn!" Harry frowned, pressing the button to open the window.

"I love that game," Zayn spoke, ignoring that Harry had opened the window and walked back to the drivers seat. 

Once he sat down and buckled in he turned to Harry with a smirk. "I'd beat you in that game any damn day," 

Scoffing, Harry plugged his earbuds back in and pushed the seat back.

Zayn started the car, and then pulled one of Harry's buds out. "Aren't we supposed to act like boyfriends?"

Shooting up, Harry yanked his other bud out. "Not right now!"

"So?" Zayn seemed unfazed at Harry's anger. 

Harry didn't like that Zayn didn't care. He wanted Zayn to care a little. 

"Shouldn't I get to know you before we get to the cottage so it looks like we have a clue about each other?" Zayn turned his radio down and although he had his eyes on the road, he liked to have Harry in his view as well.

Harry thought for a moment and soon after sighed heavily. "Fine," He huffed. "What do you want to know?"

The two reached a stop light and Zayn turned to Harry. "Everything,"

Somehow, that hit Harry right where it needed to be. Harry told Zayn everything.

Harry didn't even understand how Zayn was able to change his mood so quickly.

He told Zayn about his childhood. He told Zayn about how his grandfather passed a few years back and how his grandmother wants to go to the cottage every year before she goes too.

Harry told Zayn that he thinks they're going to be going to the cottage forever, because he thinks his grandmother is infinite.

Harry talked about his favourite music, his favourite songs, his hobbies.

Harry mentioned Niall, his only best friend. Harry told Zayn about how he still lives with his parents and works at Starbucks.

And Zayn listened. The entire time.

Harry wasn't necessarily liking Zayn, he wasn't even falling for him (obviously). Harry didn't even know why he was sat in the seat he's sat in and telling Zayn the things he's telling him. 

Harry didn't trust anyone that wasn't Niall. So just the fact that he was trusting Zayn, a guy he met a little over twelve hours ago, didn't click with him.

The fact that Zayn sat and listened, for the hour it took Harry to talk about this made Harry feel something he's never felt.

But he didn't like Zayn. Obviously.

Harry did leave some things out, some things that he hadn't even told Niall. Maybe he'd tell Zayn soon.

When Harry finished, he looked at Zayn and Zayn looked as if he had been taking mental notes the entire time. Zayn looked like he was genuinely interested.

Zayn then turned the radio back on after nodding at Harry.

Harry kind of liked that.

Two hours into their drive, Zayn turned to Harry and smiled.

"That's it?" Zayn finally asked, and Harry pulled his earbuds out in an instant.

He realized doing so made him look like an idiot.

Harry slowed down. "That's kind of it," 

Zayn nodded.

Harry nodded.

"You're not going to ask about me?" Zayn questioned as if it was a criminal offence.

Harry laughed a little. "I mean.. Do you want to tell me about yourself?"

Zayn chuckled, side eyeing Harry. "You've never had a fake boyfriend have you?"

"Obviously not," Harry said with a grin. "Why have you?"

Zayn threw his head back. "Tons," He grinned. "I'd like to say around five or six?"

"Damn," Harry nodded. "You're quite a catch in the fake boyfriend phenomena huh?"

"Definitely," Zayn spoke. "I think if the others apart of the club met you, they'd be all over you,"

Harry raised his eyebrows. Was Zayn flirting with him?

He did say he was an actor.

Harry wanted to ask about that, but he liked this.

"Really?" Harry asked, wrapping his earbuds around his phone. Harry was interested.

"Yes!" Zayn said. "They'd all be so terribly jealous that I've got you,"

Harry was taken aback by this statement. Zayn's got him?

Theoretically, Zayn did have Harry. His parents thought Zayn did.

But now, Harry was thinking Zayn did too. Obviously he didn't. 

"So you're an actor?" Harry shifted in his seat as he had changed the mood.

Zayn nodded. "A bit," 

"What do you mean, a bit?"

"I mean, I'm not really up there.. In the show-biz yet.." Zayn bit his lip. "I'm trying to get there though,"

"What do you do then?"

"Uh, commercials.. Short films.. Nothing big yet. I've got an agent but she's kind of shit. She just wants me to show my abs off in any moment I can.. I just want to be known for my skills, you know?"

"I know what you're saying," Harry looked out his window and then back at Zayn. "We're almost there," He said quietly.

"I know," Zayn smiled. "My GPS says that too,"

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