part one: takis

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"A straight shot of vodka," Harry called, and the bartender nodded.

"You're fucking ridiculous," Niall spoke, pushing Harry a little harder than intended. "That shit tastes like rubbing alcohol,"

"I'm not a pussy like you," Harry said, then thanked the bartender as he threw some cash onto the counter. "Keep em' coming," He added at the end and the bartender put a thumbs up, lining the shot glasses up in front of Harry.

"You're crazy," Niall gagged, watching Harry take the shot gaining a grossed out look from him.

"Ahh!" Harry shook his head and grabbed another shot.

"You're gonna be shit-faced," Niall groaned, taking a small sip of his beer. He was meeting his girlfriend tonight after Harry found someone to hook up with, and Jade didn't like to see him drunk.

"Stop fucking criticizing me Horan!" Harry spoke, doing two shots at the same time and grabbing the lime Niall had put down on his coaster, squeezing out the sweet yet sour juices of the lime onto his tongue.

"Disgusting," Niall shook his head. "I didn't even want to come out with you tonight man. Jade's gonna be angry,"

"At least you're seeing her,"

"If you find a fuck buddy I'll be seeing her,"

"Then let's go find me a fuck buddy, huh?"

Getting up, Harry grabbed Niall's hand flimsily and Niall shook out of his grip.

The two boys came to this bar all the time. It was Harry's favourite gay bar, and although Niall was straight, he loved Harry enough to do this for him practically twice a week.

In the middle of the dance floor, boys were everywhere. Harry was in heaven. Always.

He loved it, he loved having so many works of art in one room.

Harry loved boys. He loved everything about them. They're shape, the way they move, they way they are.

He knew he loved boys from the minute he met one.

The only thing is, Harry never told his parents. He doesn't know why, his parents always seemed super neutral about the situation.

He just didn't want to tell them. 

"What about that one?" Niall asked, pointed towards a big brown eyed boy who was sipping a beer.

"Mm," Harry nodded, licking his lips. "Should I go up to him?"

"Do it," Niall pat Harry's back. "He's hot,"

"Alright, I'm gonna do it," Harry spoke, standing up straighter and making his way through the dance floor.

Before he even reached the peach skinned, brown haired man, a shorter man with ice blue eyes and shaggy dark brown hair fell into his arms, pressing his lips immediately against the chocolate eyed man.

"Fuck never mind," Harry mumbled, detouring his route and walking around them and shaking his head at Niall who cringed.

"That's okay," Niall finally said when Harry arrived.

Harry ran his fingers through his hair and shrugged. "I don't know man, normally the first try always works,"

"Just try again," Niall suggested calmly. "If you normally get the first one, you'll definitely get the second one,"

Harry hesitated, and as he hesitated a tall caramel coloured man walked into the bar, fixing his hair.

It was almost like one of those movie scenes, Harry saw this man in slow motion. His mind was running.

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