Chapter Fourteen: Losing Hope

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“I spy something green.”


“The word 'no' is not green.”

“I don’t want to play this game.”

“I didn’t give you a choice.”

“Fine, a tree?”


“The grass?”

“Try again.”

“How about I spy something annoying, blue, and don’t forget ANNOYING!”

“Thats a tricky one Shadow. But you never finished mine. By the way it was my eyes.”

Shadow groaned in responce and Sonia let out a giggle. Shadow rolled his eyes, after finding where Eggman’s base is located. He needed to find Sonic and destroy him, but he was helping his Sonia.

Shadow didn’t like how Sonia reminded him of Sonic. They were alike except for the blushing and clusminess. Other then, that they can be twins. Perhaps, they were related?

“Shadow why do you have to be so rude?” asked Sonia.

“Because kindness is not part of my attitude.” simply explained Shadow.

“So being a jerk-wad is?” questioned Sonia.

“I suppose so.” said Shadow, “Now, help me ‘spy’ the base.”

Sonia frowned, but so smiled widely when Shadow said the word “spy”. Sonia knew deep down , Shadow was really a nice person. Sonia was glad, she was getting help finding Eggman’s base. But the question is, where is it?

“Hey Blueberry Freak, I spy something gray, metal, and Eggman writen all over it.” said Shadow.

Sonia took in her surroundings . She saw what Shadow was talking about, and Eggshaped metal dome was on the edge of the cliff. In Sonia luck, it wasn’t in the water.

“You seem really happy and realived.” stated dhadow.

“Well i’m not a huge fan of...” said Sonia, but then thought about if she said water, Shadow would know its Sonic this whole time. “heights?”

“Well why are you happy about it? Its on a cliff, that’s pretty high up.” asked Shadow.

“It’s not to high. I’ll be fine, I’m just really happy we found the base.” half-lied Sonia.

Shadow nodded, and drove the bike towards the base. Once the reached the metal dommed base, they hopped off the bike and walked into the automatic doors.

“Okay, you find what you needed from Eggman, and I’m going to look for something else.” said Shadow, who was about to turn around.

“Shadow, wait.” commanded Sonia.

Shadow turned around to face her. She had a weak smile on, and that made Shadow feel a little bit sad. “But why?” he thought. Quickly he remebered that he had a small attraction towards her.

“I want to thank you, and you’re better when you smile. Before you go I have a question, why haven’t you asked me why I want to see Eggman?” she questioned.

“Because you will tell me that when you feel like it. I will not pride in your bussiness. Besides it makes you mysterious.” smirked Shadow. “Was that all?”

Sonia looked shocked by Shadow words, and ran up to him. She gave him a hug, and mumbled something “good heart deep down”. Shadow couldn’t really remember, and hear the exact words.

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