Chapter Ten: The Quest of being Normal

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"Are we there yet?"


"Okay, now?"


"This bike goes pretty slow."


"Do you want to hear a joke?"


"Is no your favorite word?"


"Then say something other then, no."



"Blueberry freak."

"That's it? Wow."





 Shadow did a small smirk, and laughed at Sonia. Sonia rolled her eyes and sighed. Sonia was being extremely bored on his motorcycle. The motorcycle seemed slow to her because she ran at faster speeds then this when she was Sonic the Hedgehog. 

"Shadow, where exactly are we going? Do you even know exactly where Eggman's base is?" asked Sonia.

"Nope." he replied by popping the 'p'.

Sonia face palmed. She was doomed. She was riding with a psychopath, and he was driving to some random location. She was better off then just asking for Tails' help. 

"Don't worry, Blueberry freak, we need to go to Eggman's old base first. He usually leaves around a blueprint where to build a backup base, for each time his plan fails." explained Shadow.

"So I'm guessing Eggman's on Plan AAA because he already passed all the alphabet letters the first and second time. Hahaha, you know how it goes Plan A, then Plan B, then Plan C, so on and so on." stated Sonia.

"I understood the joke, blueberry freak." groaned Shadow.

"Can you stop calling me that?!" asked Sonia.

"No." simply replied Shadow, which made Sonia groan.

This made a smirk on Shadow's face grow wider. Sonia decided to take in the scenery at the location they were in. They were passing trees, indicating they were in a forest. 

"Shadow, is Eggman's base in the forest?" asked Sonia.

"So many questions from you, but yes. It's in a cave, so to speak." described Shadow.

Sonia nodded her head in response. She started to wonder why the dark prince was being nice to her. The usual Shadow would just walk away from someone asking for help.

"Hey Shadow, why are you helping me?" asked Sonia cautiously.

Sonia didn't want to upset the demon anymore then she already had. Shadow said nothing in response, and then he slammed on the brakes. Sonia jerked forward, but thankful Shadow back was able to prevent her from flying of the bike, and hitting a tree.

Sonia rubbed her nose because her helmet hitting Shadow's back. Sonia let out a moan, before she quickly took her helmet off to rub her nose.

"Ow..." she said in a weird voice.

"We're here, and you sound weird." cooly stated Shadow.

"Well you slammed on the breaks, ever heard of smooth parking?" sarcastically said Sonia, while glaring at Shadow.

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