Chapter Eleven: Up All Night

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"Sonic... where are you?" mumbled Tails.

About now, you would see a sad looking fox that had bags under his eyes. Poor Tails has been doing research trying to find his lost brother.

Secretly he knew Sonic wasn't dead or didn't even go into different dimensions. It was like Sonic was right under his nose the whole time.

"He's somewhere. I can feel it." thought Tails. Tails looked across the room and saw his green plant growing. Tails did a weak smile to himself remembering his times with Cosmo.

Tails shook his head. He needed to get on track. His brother could be in danger.

He was on his computer typing up at a rapid pace his parts, he was going to build. It was a blueprint for his new invention. It was going to be a Sonic tracker.

Tails had a piece of Sonic's quill which contianed his DNA. All he needed to do is find the location, plug it in the X tornado, and boom he can have his brother back. Simple.

What really confused him was if Sonic was here, then why didn't he come back yet. If something happened to him, then Tails could fix it. He was the Bob the builder here.

Tails laughed to himself, yup he was not being foucsed. Besides he hasn't sleep since Sonic left... "Maybe he left me for a new sidekick... no he didn't leave. He's just in trouble getting caught up with things. How many days has it been without sleep? Anyways it's been 2 days? 3 days? a week...? 6 sheep? 7 sheep? 8 sheep? STOP." thought Tails.

The lack of sleep was really getting to him. He need to stop procrastinating and focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus. Sheep. Focus. Focus. Focus. Wait a minute... Sheep?!?

"No more counting sheep, Tails, you have a mission to do. You need to help your brother, sleep afterwards. Sonic never gave up on you, so you can't do it to him." Tails said to himself giving himself a pep talk. Really now, he was talking to himself.

Tails shook his head hoping it would make him less tired. He glared at the computer screen typing away again. He heard a knocking at his door. "Well it's Sonic's door also." thought Tails. Tails cursed under his breath, and went to the door.

"What do you want?" he asked crankily.

"Mr. Miles... are you alright?" asked a worried looking rabbit, with a basket of cookies in it.

"Never better, now what do you want?" he snapped.

"O-O-Oh I-I'm sor-r-r-ry... I didn't mean-n-n to int-t-trude." said a crying rabbit.

Tails glared at the rabbit, until his face softned, then it showed guilt. He made a nice 6 year old bunny cry, who wanted to do nothing more then give him this basket of cookies. "Wow, I feel like a complete jerk." Tails said to himself.

"Cream... I didn't mean to." Tails said, trying to explian himself.

"I just wanted to give you this basket... sniff... it you're favorite cookies... sniff... I'm pretty sure you miss Mr. Sonic... sniff... so I wanted to cheer you up... sniffle ...well goodbye Tails, I mean Mr. Miles... no I mean Tails." sniffled Cream the rabbit.

She pushed the basket into Tails arms, and was about to turn and walk away. When suddenly, Tails grabbed her wrists and pulled her back. She let out a gasp, and found Tails hugging from behind her.

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