God Damnit

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So after crying to Stefán's death more and Team Crafts no longer a thing then remembering YogsLab and crying again idk how but I have fuckingn created a human who made a fuck ton of mistakes, got turned to a depressed beast because no one recognizes him anymore and he tries to say his name but they can't speak the language he speaks. But this small child whose a female bisexual helps this giant depressed science magic space void thing gay that lives in the arctic for some unholy reason and he turns back to normal but he is still able to turn to a beast but not fully human and he arrives, kisses the child on her head because it was his adopted kid and burst down the door to the observation where they are trying to see him and he just screams out. "GUESS WHOSE BACK, BITCH. IM GAYER THEN EVER AND I HAVE LEARNED TO LIVE WITH MY MISTAKES." And then he helps the ones who think they are alien to society even though they are truly human and he looks like an alien itself.

Did I mention he is gay and has a boyfriend.

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