My Love, My Heart

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For Not_So_Amazing
If I was to be asked something about love, I would say it wasn't about the looks. I would say it was about their personality and if they would love me back, I wouldn't care if they killed someone.
If someone asked me who do you love, before February I said a kids name who would never loved me back, I was in the wrong I haven't discovered who I was, if someone asked me after February. I would say Abigail.
I came out as a lesbian as I was still questioning myself, but I knew what it was when I tried to describe to my friend who you were, but I had no words as you were breath taking.
When I look back, I saw my vision get clearer, I saw a rock in a river to cling onto when I had no one else to save me. You saved me, you helped me through the times where I just wanted to end my life when I just thought of your name and your smile.
If someone said describe beauty and perfection I would just say Abigail, and if they say "how" I would not answer as there is no words to explain how BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT you are in my eyes.
Someone might see something different and call you out for it, but I would say otherwise, if you say that out not enough, I would say you are right, because you are more then enough.
You had saved me when no one else can.
You had seen me for who I truly am.
No matter how broken,
How stupid,
How scared,
How untalented I am,
How fucking ugly I am.
You had always said things that changed those to the opposite words.
I am not stupid, I am smart,
I'm not scared, I am brave,
I'm not untalented, I have talents,
I'm not ugly, I'm pretty.
I am a ugly delicate flower that you picked first and said "I'm gonna keep it" after you stepped into a field of pretty flowers.
I would do the same.
I love you just for making me feel like a flower, even though I am a beast.
I love you because you love me.

And I am grateful to be called yours, my beautiful Abigail.

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