Expatiation vs Reality

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My mom is hoping that I would actually choose something that is girly and shorts because I shaved my legs just the night and that I actually am more of a girl and I at least have a crush on a guy.
I'm GAY GAY GAY GAY I didn't shave but it's okay because I WEAR SWEATPANTS combat boots are a friend and I have a lover in a different school, WHO is a wonderful pansexual princess. I'm a HUGGGE tomboy and act like a non social person because I am a non social person. YEEET.

I am a huge disappointment and if I come out as a lesbian to my entire family I'm gonna be made fun for because my family jokes badly about it.
At least that's what I think, I have a gay uncle that I don't see but I saw him at the Lady GaGa concert and he was dressed up, I shyly raised my hand when she said if there were people part of the LGBTQ+ community.

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