Rip a Roni

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So we have this kid in our class, like nearly in the intelligence level as the smartest kid in our school who is in our grade. Bish got his ass roasted by the Geography teacher. So we have the Mississippi mudflap, the dude who makes puns, the short guy in the class who people called him mini van one time. Then there is the geography teacher.
So this is referring to the time when Ezra nearly fuckin hit the ratter off the ceiling. So our Geography teacher was moving a desk and it was class the the ratter and everyone was like "Becareful Mr. G" and he literally looks at Ezra and says "I'm not pulling an Ezra" and the entire fuckin class just screamed and Chad literally yelled out "YOU GOT ROASTED AND TOASTED"

Mississippi Mudflap guy is the person who looks like Joe Dirt. He literally has a mullet and his nickname was "Joe Dirt"

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