Wish granted (Zayn) ▶Short◀

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I'm using a random girl's name for this one because I'm tired of put (Y/N) every time. You can replace her name with yours. EnjoyXx!


Today Jenny and Zayn were having one of those relationship fights but one of them knew it was going beyond the line. Jenny was tired of being pushed away, ignored when his friends came over and mostly importantly being treated like she was a whore when another girl walks by. She was quiet as Zayn yelled, screamed and threw things around confessing how he felt. Warm tears was on her cheeks as he finished and it was her turn to speak. "I never knew it would go this far. I'm only asking that you treat me as your girlfriend-" Jenny stopped as Zayn's eyes pierced at her, his hands were into fists and his neck vain popping. "You know what, pack your fucking things and get out of my sight!" Zayn bit as he grabbed her forearms and forcefully dragged her to their room. "Stop you're hurting me!" Jenny cried as she stumbles with her own foot.

He let's go of her and walks in the room. Jenny stays by the door and watches Zayn as he grabs her things throwing them to the floor, ripping pictures up and flinging her perfumes to the wall. In no time the room filled with every scent of Jenny's perfume.  She covered her mouth with the back of her hands, she stepped in and grabbed whatever was left from Zayn's rampage. The suitcase next to her was open and she filled it up and closed it. Zayn stood there and brwathe heavily in and out.

She wipes her cheeks, "I wish you the best, a girl who will love you more than I ever did and a wonderful family." She walks out of the room and Zayn follows her, he yanks her back and leans in. "I wish you the opposite." He snarls as he walks the other way and slams the door after. Tears in her eyes she leaves the house.

*Years later*

Happy as he can ever remember, Zayn's life was great. He married a wonderful girl named Perrie and had two kids; boy and a girl. He was blissed for every single thing he had, right now he's carrying her baby girl, Jae as she dozed off in his arms. His little man came in with his teddy bear. "What's up, Tai?" Tai made his way to Zayn as Perrie appeared behind the door. "Babe, we're out of milk." She answers. Zayn smiles and ruffles Tai's hair and kisses his dark hair. "Then I'll go," Zayn turns to Tai. "Do you want to go with me?" The brown eyed boy nods his head. Zayn hands Jae to Pierre and share a kiss. "You want something else?" Pierre purse her lips. "I need vegetables and butter." "Okay, we'll be back." Zayn pecks her lips once again and carried Tai.

In the supermarket he pushed a cart with Tai in the seat. He was almost finished with his errands when he bumped into someone. The person groans and kneels down to pick up their things. "I'm sorry, here let me help." He rushes to the person side, he eyes the person from head to toe. Their beanie covered their forehead, baggy ling sleeve torn and burned hands shaking. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned. The person nods their head and leaves without saying thank you.

He let's them go and walks to product side. "It's sad to see good people go to waste." A man spoke, making Zayn turn around. "What do you mean?" He asked curiously. "She-" Zayn cut off the man. "That was a woman? Clearly I thought it was a man." The man shakes his head. "No, she still has a pretty tough life if you ask me." "Why what happened to her?" "She was a beauty a long time ago, skin ever so smooth and clear. Beautiful hair that makes you wonder if it's fake or not and those shinning brown eyes when she smiled. Ohh and her body like a model, she was the perfect lady, ever man's dream. The idiot who left her lost everything." The guy shakes his head with pity. "She met a guy, a police to be exact, she was happy but everyone who knew her could tell that she was dying inside everyday, every second that passed by was hell to her. The guy abused her, did a lot of things to her that you just say 'What a waste of a beautiful woman.' The man starved her, he burned her forehead with an iron and to take the pain away she began to do crystal meth and other drugs that completed her image." The man let's a tear fall down. "I was in love with her but she was too scared to leave him, I even told her I would have taken her away." Zayn was shocked he couldn't find the words and he looked at his boy. "What's her name?"



"What took you so long?!" The man fumed as he grabbed what was left of Jenny's hair. "John, please I'm so-sorry." She starts to speak but was silence by a strike to her bony cheek. "Just bring my beer and get out!" He snaps and shoves her to the door. She grabs his beer and hands it to him. He snatches it and drinks half of it, John breaks it and slashes it to Jenny's right cheek. She screams in agony, holding her bloody cheek, John walks up to her and fists her hair. "Get out! I don't want to see you ever again, I'll kill you if I do." He walks away and Jenny runs out, she holds her cheek and tips on her foot. She lands on her stomach, she stays there and from the distance Zayn sees her. "Hey!" He hollers. Jenny's eyes widens and tries to get up but the time she was half way up, Zayn was helping her up.

"Come to my house." He pants. She keeps her head down and shakes no. "C'mon, Jenny." Jenny says nothing as her name rolled off of Zayn's tongue for the first time in a long time. "Who are you talking about." She tries to walk out of his way but he stops her. "I know it's you." "Even if I was her, I still remember you telling her to get out of your sight forever, and she's keeping her word." Zayn was taken back with thw words she said. "How did this happened?" He asked. "Don't you remember when I wished you the best and you wished me the opposite. . Well I guess your wish was granted." "Your- I have a wonderful wife and kids." "I'm happy for you." She whispers, still looking down. "I have to go." She blinks away the tears and walks away. Zayn let's her go without glancing her face.

*Days later*

"Hey look at the newspaper." Pierre hands it to Zayn. He takes the papper and scans it and his eyes watered. "What is it?" Pierre asked worried. He tossed the newspaper on the table and covers his face with his hands. "Zayn, baby what's wrong?" Pierre hugges him as Zayn cried. In the newspaper, John a police officer was sentenced to jail. There was a picture of the man and a person lying on the ground with blood covering their face. "She's dead." Pierre reads the paper and tears up. "Is she the one-you talked about?" He nods and hugs her. "God, take her in your arms and guide her to the stairs of heaven." Pierre prayed as she cried with Zayn.

Our wish were granted, Zayn told himself as he died two thousand times over and over again.

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