Chapter 13 Just Can't Get Enough

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I awoke with Kelsey standing over me, “Hey girly, we’re all going to the cafeteria to get some food. Care to join?” I shot straight up out of my bed and put my shoes on. “Yes! Lets go!!”

Kelsey and I walked to the cafeteria together and joined Ramona, Josh, and Brett. We ate oatmeal and fruit and talked amongst ourselves for about an hour then Brett said, “There is this huge room in the basement where they keep a whole bunch of clothes, and they’re for everyone considering no one really had the time to bring anything along with them.” “Sweet!” Kelsey shouted. We all started to laugh, and Ramona whispered, “There are private showers upstairs that we can use, mom and dad left us with shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, brushes, and stuff like that, so once we get clothes we can go up there and take showers.” Nothing sounded better than to get clean and put new clothes on.

The five of us walked down into the basement where several other people were searching through the bins of clothes that were generously labeled. I found a pair of dark jeans with a light blue v-neck top. I didn’t really care about how I looked, but the shirt was pretty cute. I walked over to Ramona and whispered, “Please tell me there are bras and underwear here.” She giggled, “Yes of course, they’re right over there. I’ll join you.” She smiled and walked over to the bin that contained a whole bunch of women undergarments that smelled as if they had just been freshly washed. “Well at least they smell good,” I said as I picked up a pair that were just my size. Ramona laughed and picked up a pair of granny panties and handed them to me, “Here, I think these are for you.” We both started to laugh hysterically, making everyone, including Josh and Brett look at us. My face turned bright red and I turned away, I saw Kelsey in the corner of the room cover her mouth and start to laugh.

After we finished getting our clothes we headed up to the showers, there was only four of them so I offered to go last. The four of them went very fast and changed into their clothes and got themselves ready.

I had never anticipated, nor have I ever gotten so excited about being able to shower before. I undressed and stepped into the shower. The water was freezing but it felt so nice. I scrubbed the dirt from under my nails and washed my greasy hair.

When I was finished I got dressed in my new undergarments and clothes, and put my long, thick, blonde hair into a French braid, and I was finally able to brush my teeth.

“You look very nice.” Josh whispered in my ear. ‘Don’t turn red, don’t turn red’, I thought to myself. I turned to see what he was wearing, and I felt my cheeks start to burn. He was wearing a plaid flannel and light washed blue jeans. I have to admit he looked pretty freakin’ hot.

“You look great too,” I said stuttering. Great. Now I just sounded like a blabbering idiot. He laughed, “Thanks Grace,” he cleared his throat then continued. “What are your plans for today?” I tried to not let my mouth drop open, I had dreamed of this moment ever since I met him. “Well you know, the usual just sittin’ around. Why, what’s up?” He leaned in about an inch away from my face, I stood dumbstruck unsure of what he was going to do. Every ounce of blood was now in my cheeks.

“Meet me on the roof at seven tonight.” He said with a smirk. He turned and left without giving me the chance to respond. I’m pretty sure he asked me on a date… Even though I imagined it so much different, the Earth is most likely being invaded by well, the unknowns so what the heak? May as well right?

I walked over to Kelsey and Ramona with my cheeks still on fire. I decided to stay with them until tonight.


My sisters and I stayed upstairs for the majority of the day trying to sort through the information that mom and dad had already discovered, which wasn’t much, after all the three of us seemed to know more about the unknowns than anyone here. Kelsey seemed to be the one who knew the most about the equipment in the lab. She was mumbling to herself almost the entire time, trying to put pieces together. Ramona and I stayed out of her way and didn’t bother her.

It was six forty-five before I even realized. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and started to walk up the stairs towards the roof right at seven. I decided to let my hair down because it had finally dried and had just the right amount of waves in it.

My stomach swarmed with enormous butterflies as soon as I opened the door to the roof. Josh was standing on the other end; he didn’t turn around to greet me so I assumed he didn’t hear the door open. I tiptoed my way over to him and poked him in the side; I knew his ticklish spot probably better than he did. He immediately jumped around and his face lit up, making me blush… for the seven-tenth time today.

“You look beautiful.” He reached for my hand and led me around to the corner of the roof where a blanket was laid on the ground with two small cups and a carton of grape juice was set, “Oh my gosh, where did you even-“ he cut me off and said, “Well that’s my blanket from my cot and Brett helped me get the grape juice. Sorry it’s not wine,” he laughed, “the smell of wine alone makes me gag.”  “I think we’re a bit too young for wine any way Josh.” I said sarcastically, finally being able to speak. “Well, would you like to sit down?” He asked. “Sure.” My heart felt as if it would explode right out of my chest.

We sat and talked for what felt like seconds, time flew by so fast, and I loved listening to his voice. They way he laughed and threw his head back as if I was the funniest person he had ever met, this made him ten times more attractive.

I caught myself staring at him, but it was to late. “What?” He asked, still smiling. “Nothing I just…” I started to stutter again. “You can’t get enough of me can you?” He winked and scooted himself closer to me.

“Wow! Conceited much?” I said nudging his shoulder. “I speak the truth Grace.” He said leaning closer to my face. Our lips were inches away, making me breathless. So much of me wanted to grab him and kiss him like I had wanted to for so many years, but I decided to tease him instead, knowing that he had unknowingly teased me for such a long time.

He started to lean closer and closer until our lips were just barely touching, and I some-how managed to pull away and say, “It’s getting late Josh, I should probably get back to my sisters.” I stood up and watched his mouth drop open. I fought the urge to laugh. “You’re going to deny me after all these years?” He said beginning to smile. “I’m afraid so my dear, in fact I have waited for this moment for as long as I can remember, but hey! We’ll be around each other a lot more than usual, right?” I said quoting him and feeling victorious. “I’d like to do this again Josh,” I smiled and left the roof before he had the chance to say one word. 

I walked down the stairs and back to my sisters. “How’d it go!?” They both said together. “Did you guys kiss??” Ramona asked. “Not this time,” they both sighed as soon as I said that. “But! He seemed like he just couldn’t get enough of me so he’ll try again.” “That’s my girl.” Kelsey said as she motioned with her hand for me to join she and Ramona.

We sat together and I explained the entire date to them going into detail. After we finished talking we headed back downstairs to sleep, where I looked over to see Josh talking to Brett.

Our eyes met and I winked at him and a smile formed on his face from ear to ear. I turned and thought about how I had told my sisters that he couldn’t get enough of me, when really I just couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

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