Chapter 5 Sticking Together

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" I can't believe they wouldn't let us in!" Kelsey said almost yelling. "It’s going to be alright guys we just have to pick up the pace." Ramona said trying to comfort us, but still just as frustrated hersef.

I hadn't said anything for about an hour. I was A: in shock and B: there were no words. " You okay Grace?" Kelsey asked. " Huh? Oh umm yeah okay." I said scrambling for the right words in my head. " Alright" she said slowly.

I kept quiet not even hearing what my sisters were saying to each other. I felt Scared and worried. I didn't know what was going to happen next and that worried me the most. I worried about my friends and where they were. I mostly worried about Josh. I missed him so much I wanted to see his face and hear his voice...

I felt something vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled out my cell phone and not even looking to see whom it was I answered it. " Hello?" I said almost mumbling, "Grace?" I heard josh's voice. I thought I was dreaming but the panic in his voice brought me back to reality. " Josh! Are you okay? How are you! I miss you!" " Grace calm down! And yes I'm okay and I miss you too!" " Where are you?” I asked almost yelling. "I'm at site B that's why I called there aren't many spots left, you need to hurry." he said the words falling out of his mouth. I could barley make out what he was saying. " Okay we will" "Hurry Grace hurry" then the phone went dead. I put my phone back in my pocket.

" What did he say?" Ramona said giving me a stern look. " We need to hurry,” I said as I walked past her to take the lead. " That’s it?" " There aren't many spots left so we need to get there as fast as we can,” I said walking backwards. I said nothing more. I quickened my pace with out even thinking. Nothing felt right, right now. Thinking of Josh possibly being in harms way made me feel sick again. The panic in his voice was so real and it scared me when he couldn't control his words. I tried and tried to push the thought of him out of my head but my brain wouldn't let me.

I didn't realize how fast I was walking until Ramona said "Grace! Slow down!" I was almost running because I needed to see Josh. He needed to be all right. Because if he wasn't then... "Grace! Are you deaf?! Slow down!" I finally slowed my pace and looked back to her and said, "I'm sorry, I was so lost in thought..." I couldn't finish because I knew she would make fun of me. "Oh". She left it at that and we all continued to walk in silence.

I thought about Kelsey and how she may have been affected by all of this. She was a quiet girl a lot of the time but never like this. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine and flinched away from it.

"You okay?" Kelsey asked as she walked beside me. "Yeah I’m fine, just scared I guess." I said almost whispering. "Okay good". "What about you?" "Fine just lost in thought". I knew it. I knew she was just as scared as I was, or worried. She didn't have to tell me, I already knew from the look in her eyes. "To tell you the truth...” she whispered "I'm scared too."

We stared at each other for a long moment and slowed or walk. "Could you two walk any slower?" Ramona said to the both of us. So much of me wanted to scream and yell at her because of her attitude towards us. What was she so upset about? I knew we are all on edge because of our situation but Kelsey and I were not being so rude. I tried to have patience with her. Every word that came out of my mouth made her mad. But we're sisters. We have to stay together. Especially in a time like this.

I decided to keep my mouth shut and keep my eyes on the ground while my feet trudged along the cold street.

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