singing in the rain ; lee daehwi

348 21 5

For: avocadoprincess_

No one's POV

Lee Daehwi, a hard-working university student, had enough of his rotten day. It all started when he woke up late after pulling an all-nighter and had to sprint in order to reach the bus. When the boy reached his destination, he found out that there were no lessons for the day due to a teachers' conference, therefore wasting his money and time that he could have used for resting and buying junk food. Deciding on going to a nearby park, a businessman spilt his coffee on the student and left without apologizing. As if his day couldn't get any worse, mother nature decided to start raining, which left Daehwi soaked to the bone.

The poor student placed himself on a park bench and sat there, contemplating what action caused his misfortunes that seemed to never end. His thought process was put to a hold when he saw a girl in the corner of his eye who seemed to be around the same age as himself. She had the visuals but that is not what caught Daehwi's attention. To his curiosity and surprise, the girl was singing and dancing in the rain all by herself. Despite the stares she received from onlookers, the beauty seemed to be absorbed in her mini-performance but stopped once she saw a stranger watching her.

Embarrassed at the fact that he was caught staring by the person of interest, he turned away and pretended to be staring at something else. His cover was fully blown when he saw the girl sitting right next to him, leading to him falling off the bench. The girl immediately rose to action and helped the red-faced boy back onto the bench.

"Oh my gosh! I am really, really sorry that I frightened you. I take full responsibility for any injuries caused by your fall." Due to her flustered state, she didn't notice that Daehwi was looking at her while in a trance.

"You don't need to blame yourself. It's alright, I just didn't pay enough attention to my surroundings so it is my own fault." The brown haired male was so proud of himself for speaking to the pretty girl without stuttering at least once. "If you don't mind me asking, why were you singing and dancing in the rain?"

"Rain, dancing, and singing are stress relievers so I decided to combine them into one whole happy little pill. You should try it since I can tell you're under a lot of stress right now." The stranger didn't give him a chance to answer as she pulled him off and continued what she was doing earlier. Her aura had a strong influence on Daehwi as he joined her and forgot about the bad things that happened to him.

Their minds and hearts became one as they thought to themselves,

'He/She's got me singing in the rain.'


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