the loner ; bae jinyoung

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      Having a crush on the loner in my class was not something I planned to happen this school year yet I have fallen for him so hard and there's nothing I can do about it. The only reason why he was labelled as a loner is because he is the 'bad boy' who threatens to get rid of anyone in his away even though he has never done that before. No matter what they say about him, my feelings for him remain the same and grow even more. My friends keep pushing me to confess but I am too scared that I will get word vomit and just make a fool of myself in front of him.

      One day, I heard some muffled sounds inside one of the janitor closets and I was curious about the source of the sounds. All I could hope was that it was not a couple doing nasty things since that is not something I want to see. As I got closer, I became relieved that it wasn't a couple making noises and instead became concerned since it sounded like something was crying inside. The door was locked so I borrowed a key from the janitor and opened the door revealing a surprise to me. Crying inside the closet was Bae Jinyoung, the guy who makes my heart race when I see him.

      I didn't know what to do so I hugged him out of instincts and he unexpectedly returned the hug. Once he ran of tears to cry, I asked him why he was stuck in the closet in the first place. He explained that there were a group of boys who were bullying him but took it too far and locked him in our current location because of me. Bewildered at why am I the reason he was locked in here, he muttered something but I couldn't hear it so I asked him to speak more clearly. Then he gave me the biggest surprise of the day, he leaned in and kissed me but pulled back quickly.

"Actions speak louder than words so I hope you understand."


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