After Story

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<3 Keith's POV <3

Five long years of not being able to see y/n. She appeared in my dreams multiple times but it hurt not to feel her touch. But today that's going to change.

Shiro is going home to visit his folks and he decided its be great to invite me. His dad is sick right now. Shiro wanted to take care of him for a while since his dad has done a lot for him. It was nice of Shiro to let me tag along, since I also have a job opportunity over there.

We're leaving now and guess who's picking us up? That's right, Y/n! A few hours passed and were now in Osaka. Shiro and I found our bags soon spotting a small figure that matched Y/n.

"Takashi!" Her soft voice boomed out to us. She came running over to us but she was dragging a boy with her. The smile that was plastered across my face faded into confusion and anger.

"Y/n! お元気ですか?" (How are you?) He spoke in Japanese.

"はい元気です" (Im feeling good!) She responded. (It's in extremely formal Japanese because that's all I know XP)

"Oh yeah! I brought Keith along with me, " Shiro pushed me up. "He wanted to go to Osaka because he got a job offer from here."

"Keith! It's great to see you again!" Y/n looked over to me and gave me a quick hug. "I should also introduce you to my boyfriend!" Y/n looked over to him and motioned to him to introduce himself.

"Hello! I'm Shiniki, Aiko. Please referee to me as Ai or Aiko!" He bowed.

"Aiko, have you been treating my little sister well?" Shiro crossed his arms and stared into Aiko's eyes.

"I've been working hard to sir! But I can't tell you that myself. I think you'll have to ask Y/n about that, " He looked back at Y/n who was blushing behind him.

"Did you give her your lung?" Shiro then came out of nowhere with.

"Woah! Shiro relax!" I told him. Aiko looked extremely confused and Y/n looked sad. "Y/n are you alright?" I asked her concerned.

"I'm fine..." Shiro suddenly took Aiko and started walking away.

"We should follow them, " I pointed over and walked beside Y/n. "You look happy here, " I chuckled. I kept the small smile on my face.

"I am, but I miss everyone so much!"

"They miss you too. I can't go through a class lesson without everyone complaining about missing you. Even with the new members! No one can replace the hole you left in the team." She smiles to herself and looked as if she wanted to cry.

"Don't cry! No one wants to see you so down. Especially if you deserve to be happy." She softly slapped the sides of her face and smiled.

"Besides me how's your life at home?"

"It has been great but I can't help but miss a special someone." I nudged her a bit. It went silent for a moment.

"Thank you"

"No need to thank me. And don't think you need to owe me! I gave you my lung cause I was willing to. Plus at the time I really really loved you."

"How are your feelings towards me now?"

"Now? I still love you just as much. It does hurt a little that you're with someone else but it's much better every time I see you're happy with him." Y/n's eyes watered and she hugged me. I could feel her tears seep through my shirt. I patted her head and let her stay there for a while.

To be honest it hurt to see her with someone else but I guess I have to live with it. As long as she's happy, no matter who it's with, I'm happy.

"We should get going to the car. Shiro needs to see his dad!" She released from the hug. Her eyes were puffy and she was sniffing. She nodded her head and we quickly made our way to the car.

Shiro and Aiko were already there. Aiko was at the driver's seat and Shiro was riding shotgun. We were all talking and joking around but Y/n was very silent. The ride was long but was never awkward. Of course, there were times where Shiro and Aiko would speak in Japanese so I would just sit back and look at the area we passed. Eventually, we made it to Shiro's parent's house.

"Were here!" Aiko announced.

"Ai-chan, I'm going in with them. I wanna say hi to my second family." (Anyone see what I did with Aiko's name? If you don't Ai is like a shorter version of saying love or something lol)

We made our way into the house. Shiro's mom was at the entrance to greet us. Shiro and Y/n went over to give Shiro's mom a hug. I just stood there like an idiot not knowing how to understand Japanese and what the heck to do! The two took off their shoes and stepped closer into the house. I did the same.

"Who's this Y/n? Did you already break up with that idiot Aiko and find yourself a new man?" Shiro's mom teased. She spoke fluent English which surprised me.

"Mama!" Y/n huffed.

"I'm just joking child! I know this is Keith!" She said to my surprise. "Y/n's parents and I thank you for your donation, " She bowed. "She talks very highly of you, even though she denies it, " Shiro's mom whispered to me.

I chuckled and looked at Y/n. She was blushing.

"You look at her with such loving eyes, Keith! Why aren't you two married?" She joked again.

"Mama! I'm already with Aiko!" Y/n whined.

"I don't like that Aiki boy! He looks bad with you! And frankly I don't trust the boy. Now Keith on the other hand. He looks strong and is very handsome!" She looked at me and held me with her hands.

"Ms.Shirogane, I am deeply in love with Y/n, but if she's happy with Aiko I wouldn't want to change that. Her happiness is my first priority." She whipped her head towards Y/n and nudges her.

"Look at what you're missing out in! He's handsome, kind, a little mysterious, and an absolute gentleman! Just break up with that worthless lump already." Y/n pouted in the corner.

"Okay everyone, settle down. Okaa-san can you lead Keith to the guest room while I visit Otou-san?" Shiro stepped in. Ms.Shirogane nodded and guided me to the guest room before saying our goodbyes to Y/n.

After being shown to the guest room I laid out all of my things and took out my journal.

Today is my first day in Japan. So far its interesting. I kinda already miss everyone back home. The whole crew is still dancing. But thankfully after the comp we got some new members. Sadly Allura left the group and Shiro came out of the closet a while after the two broke up. Lance also kinda gave up in finding a soul mate and is just helping the new gen of dancers. I don't know yet if I'd stay in the group or work in Japan or Korea. I stay in Japan for a few weeks then head to South Korea to check out a new company. They're planning on releasing a new boy group and want me to choreograph for them. All of these job opportunities are great but they're so far from home. But so close to Y/n. However, I think I'll have to move on eventually because I mean she has a boyfriend. She already moved on. So I will too. Man I guess it's gonna have to be like this.


Surprise! I wanted to make a short after story. It was hard to try and explain what everyone was off to do after Y/n left. But I did it! It took so long because I wouldn't think anyone would care lol. But I made it anyways and it was just sitting here for the longest time. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and if you guys have anymore questions just comment and I'll try to answer
them to the best of my abilities! Thank you so so much for all the support! I love you all🖤


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