9- Can I Find You?

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"Y/n is missing..."


I tried to stay focused and not freak out but it was hard. I can't imagine a world without her anymore! It hurts...

"Just try to stay calm, " I told Lance trying to hide the fact I'm practically freaking out.

"You don't really sound calm, Keith. Your voice is shaky, " Lance pointed out.

"That's not the issue here Lance. I-I'll be fine."

"Promise you will, even if..." He paused and looked down. I knew what he meant.

"Even if...she doesn't come back, " It was hard for me to say. FRIK IT WAS HARD TO IMAGINE! Even if it's only been a couple of weeks with her I've grown so attached to her. Who's gonna make dinner or breakfast? Who's gonna randomly dance with me after practice? Who will be there for me now? I wish she could just pop up out of nowhere and comfort me... I already miss her.

"Keith it'll be okay, " Lance came up to me and gave me a side hug. (OOOFFFF KLANCE I'm sorry... Back to the book)

"Thanks for the comfort Lance, but she's just not gonna come out of nowhere. We have to do something!" Lance let go.

"What do we do then?"

"Call the group. Tell them to meet at my place. I have someone else to contact, " in an instant, we whip out our phones and start dialing.

After a few moments, I finish what I had to do and check in Lance who was still on the phone with Shiro. I bet Shiro isn't taking this well. They've known each other longer than us. I don't know how long but for him to stay calm at her presence they must be pretty close. Lance hangs up then we head to my house. We got there before anyone else did.

"Who's coming?" I asked Lance.

"Everyone is"

"How's Shiro taking it?"

"Not well...He tried to hide how he was actually feeling, but you could tell he was really worried." We both stood in silence looking down and sighing. "I hope we'll find her"

"Me too..." My eyes filled up and a tear threatens to fall out but I close my eyes and look up to stop it.

"Keith are you in love with Y/n?" Lance asked out of nowhere. I blushed then rubbed the back of my neck. I mean we're a team I should start opening up just a little to them.

"W-well yeah, " I begin. "I mean who wouldn't love a girl as talented as she is? She can dance, she's funny, she has the cutest laugh, she has this ability to make you happy just by walking in the room with a smile, she knows how your feeling when you're happy or sad, she can memorize everything about you just by hearing it once,..." I looked at Lance and he had a soft smile on his face. "I'm sorry I'm rambling, " I say smiling and rubbing my arm.

"You really do love her, huh, Keith?"

"I-I guess I really do, " I say smiling to myself. Lance gets closer and pats me on the shoulder.

"I promise we'll find her, " he gave me a confident look.

"Thanks, Lance."

After the bonding moment, knocks we're heard from the door. I swiftly open the door to find the whole dance team there. They rushed in and you could tell they were all worried, especially Shiro. He sat down with his elbows on his knees with folded hands that were held up to his mouth. He was thinking hard about the situation. It was concerning. I walked towards Shiro and kneeled down beside him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned for his mental estate.

"I-is she really gone?" His voice was shaky. His eyes were dull but they shot you with the feeling of fear. Not of being scared of him but the fear of her not coming back. It struck my heart.

"She really is gone..." I started and all that Shiro did was worry even more. You could see the tears welling up in his eyes; it was painful to see. "We'll find her Shiro."

"Please say that you will, " he begged. I stared at him. He looked sickly. He was paler than usual, his hair was a mess, he looked almost dead.

"Who was she to you?" I've always wondered about this. It was weird hearing he had someone outside of the group he was close too. He never really spoke about his personal life other than he lived in Japan for a little while then moved to America for school.

"She's my little sister, " he sighed. "Not biological or adopted. We were just really close. Or families we're neighbors and would invite each other over every so often. Every time that happened I always complained I had no one to talk to since at the time they didn't have children. But one day they came with a baby and I remember being extremely excited. Once this baby grew up I would have a friend! Every time she came over you could tell she was growing up. Year's past and she was able to talk and walk. I would help teach her for the next couple of years growing closer along the way. When things went wrong she was there for me, she knows all my issues but... I never ask her what's wrong. And that was my issue. I didn't get to know her more. That's why I left her with you, Keith. I knew you could listen to her and take care of her and she could do the same for you. You two were made for each other! Now she's gone... It's all my fault! If only I listen to her! Now she could be in grave danger!"

"Shiro... It's not your fault. It's not any of our faults. We'll find her before anything bad happens!"

"But what if we don't? No one can contact her and her location is off!"

"Don't lose hope. We will find her!" One last knock was heard at the door. I rush knowing the person behind this door could change the situation. I take a deep breath and exhale. She will be found. I opened the door revealing a pale redhead man with yellow eyes and bumble bee glasses. Standing next to him was a girl with long brown hair and bangs.

"Seven!" I sighed in relief.

"안녕!"(Hi) He replied.

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