6- The Way My Head Races

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I'm so sorry for not posting for like forever! I just had a lot going on... But school's over! That means if I'm not out vacationing than I'll have more time to update! Thank you for understanding! Unless, you didn't and that's fine! I just hope you like it! Apologize for it being sort...

Beep beep beep, repeated over and over again. The alarm clock was clearing shouting at us to get up. I clicked snooze and snuggled back with the person laying now on top of me. Her hair was a little messy and all over her face, her body sprawled all over my body, and her eyes still tightly shut trying to deny the thought that morning has come.

"Hey," I whispered in her ear. She groaned and shifted her body in response. I shook her a couple times.

"What?" She asked into my chest.

"It's time to get up weirdo, by the way you're a little heavy," She rolled her body off of me and onto the floor. She laid their for a solid minute until she climbed on her feet. She stretched and yawned.

"I swear I'm not that heavy!" She complained as she let her arms fall back down to her sides. I sat up, my elbows on my knees.

"Tell that to the scale," I smirked and walked out of the room. She was left with a jaw drop and furrowed brows.

I made my way over to the kitchen and made some coffee. I grabbed two mugs and poured the smooth black liquid in them. I handed the mug to her who had just walked in. She added cream inside of it. I pulled out cup noddles but (Y/n) took it out of my hand and grabbed the eggs.

"You should invest in cooking classes Mr.Kogane" She smiled as she pulled out a pan and threw the noddles away.

"Seriously! You just wasted perfectly good noodles!"

"You're not eating that junk when I'm here!"

"What? Are you my personal chef or something?" I said leaning into my chair. She laughed.

"Would that be sunny or scrambled sir?" She said in a terrible British accent with a little curtsy.

"That accent would offend Allura greatly." I laughed and she did too. "Sunny my lady" I played along but JUST for this once.

"As you wish sir" She continued cooking.

I watched her for a bit. Her movements were always so graceful. The way she swayed her hips a little while she walked or moved a little. It was cute the way she'd put her hair up into a messy by bun to cook. The apron fit snuggly on her and made her look even more adorable. I couldn't help but watch her, but I knew I had to a one point or she'd find me creepy. So, I went on my phone to check for any new notifications.

Birde, Socialgram, Snapghost, Lookbook, oh! A text from Shiro.

I'll be 30min late to practice
Get things started for me


S:BTW hows (Y/n)?

K:She says she likes it here
She also says hi

S:Tell her I said hi back
Also tell her I'll get her back in about two months

K:You're really letting her stay that long?

I'll explain everything later
Enjoy her while you can ;)

K:I will

"What did Shiro say?" (Y/n) appeared behind me taking a look at my phone. I turned to her and put my phone behind my back.

"N-nothing!" She tilted her head and walked back to the pan. I sighed in relief then felt my phone escape my grasp.

She instantly blushed. I just covered my face. She put my phone on the table and giggled.

"He's such a tease" she said placing the food down.

Breakfast went as awkward as ever. I couldn't look at her! The thought of having her right across from me made me flustered. I couldn't start a conversation, I was to scared to touch my food, there were to many things I wasn't able to do cause I felt so awkward around her! UGH! Why does love make you feel like this? I hate it!!! But I love it... ITS SO COMPLICATING!!! Thanks Shiro for making this more awkward than it needed to be also. I think I could have been fine without your comment.

"Hey?" I heard a tender voice speak to me. I looked up probably with my face flushed a deep red. "Is the food not good?"

"WHat?! It's not! It Look GREAT it's THay that I'm Not THat hungry!" My voice wasn't stable and I couldn't speak properly. It was a mess!

"O-oh Okay..." She continued eating her food. "I'm full for the morning. I'm gonna get ready for practice"

"SaME too!" Shoot... I feel like I screwed everything up...

She giggled.... She... giggled. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG! WOOHOO!

I went off and got ready for practice. My head was racing with possibilities of how things would go with her. I tried to think of ways to start practice but it all lead to her. The time came to where we had to head to practice. We skated like we did yesterday. I felt a little better after the ride. A good skate was good enough to help me think straight. We went a little earlier so I can set things up. I unlocked the doors and turned the lights on in the studio. I polished the floor, while (Y/n) was waiting in the lobby because I told her so.  People started to walk in so I started.

"Okay everyone. Shiro's gonna be late so I'm gonna get things started," I spoke

"Why do you have to get things started?" Lance asked.

"Were you the one Shiro texted at 6 in the morning and were you the person at 7 fixing the studio up?"


"Okay I think everyone should stretch and then we'll run through the dance once. Excluding Lance and (Y/n). Lance you work with her on the part."

Everyone started to stretch and soon everyone was at their designated spots and we began practice. Thirty minutes into practice Shiro walked in.

"Thanks for getting things started Keith."

"No problem! I'm glad I could help"

"Okay everyone! I have an announcement to make!" Everyone gathered at the sound of Shiro's voice echoing through the studio. "I was just at a meeting over at the dance competition, and we won't be performing!" He clapped his hands together and showed us a big smile.


Hold Me (Keith Kogane X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz