11- Movie Night

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Everything from this chapter to the next two is a memory


Saturday morning after breakfast Y/n and I were on the couch watching TV since today was our day off. We were in our PJ's watching a kids movie. Y/n was snuggled up on my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her. We joked about some of the characters and laughed at the jokes that were made.

"Hey, Keith?" Y/n spoke. I hummed in response.

"Let's go out and watch a movie tonight! I've wanted to go out for a while now!" She suggested.

"Whatever you want my princess, " I teased caressing her cheek.

"So..." She paused for a bit blushing under my hand, "Is this gonna be a date?" I was taken back at how forward she was. I chuckled.

"Of course, " I smiled putting our foreheads together. I lingered there for a while basking in her warmth and alluring scent. I closed my eyes and grinned. Every second I had spent in that position with her made me crave more than what was happening. Every inch of me wanted to kiss her right then and there, but we needed time. It was so hard to hold back all the urges that wanted to overcome the situation. I quickly moved away from her so nothing escalated more than it needed too.

"Imma take a shower, while you're here why don't you look for a movie we can watch today, " I gave her a smile then escaped to the bathroom because if I tease her now I won't be able to go back.

After the shower, I walked out of the bathroom with only a towel covering me because I took off before I could get any clothes.

"Ah! Keith, I found a movie we could watch!" She ran towards me looking at her phone. She pulled the phone to my face. After, finally looking at me she looked at me from head to toe. Bloodshot out of her nose and she fell backward.

"Y/n!" I caught her and took her to the couch and grabbed her napkins to help with her nose bleed.

"I'm okay! Just dehydration!" She spoke up.

"Drink more water! I don't want you to get sick before our date," I pouted. She blushed.

"Yeah, go get changed!" She pushed me away.

"Okay, Okay! No need to be rough!" I got up and went to my bedroom to find some clothes to put on. I walked out and was pushed to the side as she ran into my room to change too. The door slammed shut and I sighed.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked through the door.

"The movie is in two hours! I need my time! Plus I want to look nice!" Her faint voice came from the other side of the room. I chuckled. She's so cute.

I sat on the couch waiting for Y/n to come out of the room. Suddenly I hear a click and perk up from excitement. I wonder what she would be wearing. Y/n stepped out and stood in front of me. My jaw dropped from how beautiful she was. I could just sit there all day and stare at her! She was in a plain white crop top and a high waisted black skirt with black and white converse. Her outfit was simple but damn she looked so cute! Y/n had a little bit of makeup on, which made her look exactly the same, beautiful and absolutely adorable.

"Are you just gonna sit there or what?" She asked out of the blue. I snapped back into reality and smiled.

"You look beautiful Y/n," she blushed and walked over to me.

"Get up so we can get going already."

I opened the door for her then came out to notice she had both of our boards in hand. She gave me mine and we started to skate to the theater.  When we got there I bought our tickets and the guy behind the counter was kind enough to hold our skateboards. We had about thirty minutes to start loading in the theater room so we went to go buy snacks. Reaching the counter we found Lance on the other side.

"Hey, Lance!" I called out and gave him a high five.

"Sup Keith!" He greeted back.

"I didn't know you worked here."

"It's my part-time job. You know to help pay rent and all that jazz, " he looked behind me to find Y/n. "You on a date with Y/n?" Lance smirked at me.

"Actually yeah, " I scratched the back of my neck and looked over at her.

"Hi, Lance!" She greeted.

"I guess I lost to the emo prince, Keith, " Lance sighed. "Maybe one day I'll take you away to my palace and we can be happy." Lance joked. We all laughed.

"That's enough joking around, " I smiled. "We should order before the people behind us get angry."

"Yeah, wouldn't want to get fired, so what do you guys want?" Lance took our order and gave it to just quickly.

Y/n and I walked into the room and made our way to the top of the seating area and sat directly in the middle obviously making sure we waved goodbye to Lance first. No one was there at the time and ads were the only thing playing on the screen. Soon enough more people shoved in and the lights went dimmer.

"Keith I gotta go, " Y/n announced. I nodded my head and watched her walk out. Not even a minute after another girl came over and took her seat.

"Sorry, someone's already sitting there, " I told her. She had purple hair and was wearing a tank top and jeans.

"I know, " She responded with a cocky tone.

"If you know then could you move?" I asked nicely.

"Why would a handsome guy worry about the ugly hag who sat on this seat."

"First of all, she isn't an ugly hag! Second of all, she's my date!" I screamed. People started looking over at us and that's when things went south.

"OMG ITS KEITH KOGANE FROM VOLTRON!" A girl screamed. Shoot...

"AND HES HERE WITH A GIRL!" More people started to freak out and take pictures and I swear this lady right next to me just had to make it worse!

"Guys leave me and my boyfriend alone!" She screamed. I was on the edge. I couldn't take it any more than someone pointed out Y/n who stood there devastated and confused. My heart tore. I had to fix this. I quickly pulled Y/n on my lap. I kept my arms around her a laid my chin on her right shoulder.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this girl is the only one that swims in my heart, " I looked at her and pressed my lips against her soft cheek. Fans started to scream and take pictures. At that moment I didn't care who saw me. I was glad that everyone got to see who I really loved and so did she.

Employees came in and told us to quiet down. Everyone calmed down and sat in their chairs. I leaned back in my chair and Y/n still sat in my lap and leaned on my chest.

"Did you mean what you said?" She asked twirling the tips of her hair with a small tint of red on her cheeks.

"Every single word, " I said hugging her tighter on my chest.

Btw if you're wondering what Keith was wearing it was a red button up (his sleeves were folded up to his elbows and was button up all the way) and black dress pants with his full black converse.

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