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"We aren't performing" Shiro repeated.

"Then what was the whole point of setting up?!" I began to get angry.

"I just want you guys to trust me. I have my solid reasons."

"Then why don't you explain?"

(Y/n) walked up and touched my shoulder. She looked at me with a sad face. In an instant, I relaxed, but after seeing her expression I became worried. She walked to Shiro and put her hand on his shoulders at arms distance.

"You know what's right and I trust you. I think I know why you canceled but it'll be alright. I promise, " She said.

"But, I already canceled!" Shiro shoved her arms away.

"Then call them back! This is not worth losing your studio!"

"Wait! Losing the studio? Shiro, what's this all about?" Lance asked.

"I have been having trouble paying off the bill for the studio... That's the whole reason why (Y/n) is here! To confirm our win for the group.  After she learned the parts she needed for the dance I would have had her fix things and make things better, but I just learned something that makes me regret all of this." Shiro sat down with his head in his hands.

"What did you learn?" Allura asked.

"I learned that-" He was cut off by (Y/n) patting his head.

"What he learned doesn't concern him." (Y/n) said. Shiro started to tear up. (Y/n) squatted down to him and just smiled. They hugged then got up.

"I would try to sign us back up to the competition but our space has already been taken and there's nothing else we can do, but stay and wait till next year."

"But if we were to do that we would have lost the studio by then..." Y/n said

"That's the issue..."

"Don't worry about it just keep practice and we'll figure something out. I promise things will get better"

"And what if things don't end up as good as we think they may?" Lance said.

"Stop with the what ifs! Get to work!" Coran joined.

"I agree with Coran! Let's get to work!"

The day continued as it usually did and we all just tried to forget the whole conversation. But I couldn't. I wanted to know what would happen. I wanted to know how we could get back in the game. I wanted to know everything! Especially, why Shiro chose to take us out of the competition. Shiro isn't usually one to take action unless something was really bad. What would shake Shiro up so much for him to completely stop everything?

"Hey, Keith?" Y/n soft voice threw me out of my trance and into reality. I looked at her and she seemed worried, but I couldn't help to think about how beautiful she looked under the night sky. I made sure to take note of every single detail of her face. Her cute nose, the way her eyes gleamed under the stars, how perfectly shaped her head was, the way her lips parted a little, everything about her was perfect. It's felt so much like a dream.


"Are you... Nevermind that, are we gonna head home now?"

"Oh! Of course"

We headed back home and cleaned ourselves up a bit. I went out of the shower to find a cooked dinner set out on the table. Y/n was at the sink washing some pans. I gave her a back hug.

"Now this I can get used to!" I lingered a little into the feeling of her warm body under my arms. I finally let go of the hug and sat down ready to dig in. She let out a soft giggle. It made my heart flutter. I watched her clean the pans then sit right across from me. I was so happy to have moments like these with just her. Then out of nowhere, there was a knock at our door.

"I'll get it!" She got up excited.

I looked at the table and noticed two other plates were set up. WAIT! SHE INVITED OTHER PEOPLE! I slammed my head into the table. I really just wanted a peaceful dinner with her alone. After such a stressful event during practice. I heard people walk in and I lifted my head from its potion on the table. It was Shiro and Allura. Not bad. I was actually a bit happy.

"Hey, Keith." I got up and gave Shiro a bro hug then shared greetings with Allura.

"So how are things here, you know with you guys being alone and stuff?" Shiro wiggled his eyebrows at me. I blushed and looked away, but it ended up being me staring at her. She was blushing too. I instantly regretted feeling a little happy they were here.

"I get it! You guys did it!" Allura said while slamming her fist on the table and pointing at the ceiling.

"NO!" We both screamed.

"I don't know. It seems like you guys are hiding something" Shiro leaned back crossing his arms.

"It's not like that. We just... You know..." I started to speak up.

"Common Keith! Spit it out!" Allura said excitedly.

"Cuddle here and there" I scratched the back of my neck.

"That's adorable!" Allura fangirled.

"Now that I gotta see! After dinner how about a stay at home movie night?" Shiro suggested.

"That would be lovely!"

"Then how about a horror?"

"Even better!"

The two of them started to shove the food down there mouths. After a couple of minutes, they were done but (Y/n) and I wasn't even close to done. We were trying to delay the process as much as we could, but even if we weren't done those two still took our plates away and shoved them in the fridge. They took our arms and place us on the couch next to each other and got everything ready. Luckily they chose one of my most favorite horror movies! I knew exactly when each jump scare was, so hopefully, I could help Y/n prepare for the jump scares. The pair was on both sides of us. Shiro was next to me and Allura was next to Y/n. They played the movie and the whole scene crumbled down. I had my arm spread on the back part of the couch in an attempt to get comfortable, but Allura took this opportunity to shove Y/n in my arms. I looked at her blushing and she did the same. A blanket was thrown on top of us. I looked at Shiro and all he did was wiggle his eyebrows again. Y/n got closer to me as a jumpscare approached.

"Y/n, there's a jump scare coming up," I told her. She nodded and continued watching the movie.

On the screen the door shut, a chair was slammed into the wall, and a ghosts face popped up. Y/n screamed and closed the small gap between us, that we were trying to keep. I felt concerned for her. I took the blanket and wrapped it around her. She looked at me and I looked at her.

"Don't be scared. It's just a movie." I attempted to comfort her. She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

(3rd person)

After a long horror movie, Keith and Y/n had knocked out on the couch. Allura and Shiro looked at each other content with what they did. Got up and left. Not just with contentment but also with some snagged pictures and videos of (Your ship name with Keith aka S/n). S/n was left to cuddle each other and sleep together on the couch.


Ha. I'm so bad at updating. I already have plans for the future of this book, the only problem is I don't know how to write them down! Plus adding little S/n moments but not revealing things. With all the POV switches I think it'll be a little confusing to understand the end. Just a quick heads up for people who actually read these lol. Anyway ,I'll try to get an update next week but idk how things will go... Anyways thank you for reading my book! I hope you continue to support my book with votes and don't forget to comment things down! If you have suggestions I'm all ears!


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