14- Just A Dream?

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As the sounds in the room became clearer and I awake I notice that I wasn't beside the bed where I was once. I was on the bed with the tubes and wires all around me. I was in the nightgown. Shock ran through my veins and I realized my situation. I shot up from my laying position but was hit with a major headache. I gripped my head from the pain feeling the band-aid that stayed there.

"You're awake!" I heard a voice speak to me. I looked up and it was a doctor. "I'm doctor Kim. I have been taking care of you during your concussion."

"Concussion?" I asked her.

"You were out for a week. How's your head?" She asked checking her clipboard.

"It hurts, " I told her still gripping my head. She followed up with more questions and left. I heard her tell someone that they can come in and that I was awake. Soon Shiro, Allura, Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and Coran came in.

"Where's Y/n?" Was the first thing that slipped out of my mouth.

"Who's Y/n?" Pidge asked.

"I have no clue but whoever that is has such a beautiful name, " Lance smirked. Shiro looked at me confused.

"Where am I, " I continued.

"You're in the hospital Keith, " Allura said.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"Lance found you in the storage room knocked out. You weren't waking up so he called the ambulance and then us, " Hunk explained. I thought I woke up from that incident.

"How do you know Y/n?" Shiro asked.

"I-" I paused for a moment. Did everything that happened a dream? "I-I think I dreamt about her. But it seemed so real! I could feel her, I could speak to her! Shiro, I loved her!" I told him gripping onto my heart. Tears rolling down my cheeks. I was extremely confused. What was happening?

"What happened in your dream?" Shiro asked sitting next to me. I told him the whole story. Shiro's face was full of concern and confusion. "Shiro, she was dying when I last saw her, " I finished. His eyes went wide and he looked down.

"Call a nurse. Ask her if we can visit someone, " Shiro told the others. Lance nodded and her left to go find a nurse.

"I found a nurse!" Lance came in with one.

"Is it okay if we take Keith to visit someone?" Shiro asked.

"Well since he was in a concussion it would be good if he could practice using his legs again. I'll just have to tag along just in case, " She gave us a smile.

The nurse took off the tubes and pulls out a walker. I swung my feet to the side of the bed and placed my feet on the ground. Shiro helped me up. I stumbled a bit but my legs did feel weak. I held onto the walker and Shiro lead us to a room. The other said they'all wait in my room so it was just me and Shiro. The nurse stayed outside to give us some personal time. We stepped in and on the bed, you could see a girl on the bed sleeping connected to more tubes and wires that I was. I stepped closer and it was Y/n. Her face was pale and she looked ghastly. I sat on the chair next to her and the scene from my dream played in my head over and over again.

"It's just like you said... She's battling lung cancer and she's been waiting for a donor. There hasn't been any luck for one tho. If she doesn't get one in a couple days she'll die." Shiro spoke. Everything just hit me at once and my heart sank. I love this girl but she probably doesn't know me and plus she's dying. I want to love her I want her to live but I can't do anything to help her. I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Shiro I don't get it. Everyone I love keeps dying. Why?" I told him.

"I-I don't know Keith."

"Maybe fate doesn't believe I deserve to be happy. Or to feel loved." I felt vulnerable. Why was I admitting all the things I've been so insecure about? I couldn't help it. It was all too much to handle. I was just letting these things happen to me. I was just letting everyone die...

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