New york

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"New York?" Liz asks.

"Yep." I say.

"They have really good cheesecake."

"So you're not mad?"

"No. New York is awesome! Stars and other people." She says packing her things.

"Stars and other people." I whisper stalking to our closet.

"And my mate doesn't walk to the closet weirdly." She whispers. I pick her up and sit her down.

"I'll pack my panties in front of my mate just to make him hard." I say making my voice high and copying Liz's actions.

"Stars and other people." Liz says stalking over to the closet. We stare at each other for a second before laughing at each other.

"Didn't think they would crack under pressure first." Shamika says with Raheem.

"Whatever." Liz says after sobering up.


"Do you wanna go to new York?" I ask Hosea.

"Of course. Where ever you go my heart goes with you. So, if I plan to live..." I laugh at his silliness.

"You are a romantic." I say kissing him.

"Did you expect anything else?" He asks walking to our closet.

"I think we need a new bed. We broke our last one." Hosea says. I smile he said our stuff.


We're on a plane and I'm currently trying not to freak out.

"A beautiful view." Lucas says before standing.

"Dude, sit your ass down, you'll set off the balance!" I whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Lucas asks amused.

"Because I'm loud and I might scare the pilot and then we all goin' die in this bitch." I whisper. Lucas and everyone on the plane laughed. We feel a bump.

"I told yo ass! I told yo ass! But nah I don't know shit!" I yell freaking out.

"Liz, calm down." Lucas says holding my hand.

"Okay." I take a deep breath.

"We seem to have a little engine problem." They announce.

"They got a bird stuck in the engine. Next time, I'll walk to New York."

*****After Plane land****

"Hey, we didn't die." Lucas smiles getting a cab.

"Maybe we did and we don't know it yet." I mutter. We go into the cab and drive somewhere. I have no idea because supposedly I'm not in a good state, I'm still in shock from the plane and my ears haven't popped. I yelled and they popped.

"What song is on?!" I ask.

"Mhm mhm."


"Mhm mhm."


"Raisons!!!" I scream and jump in his lap.

"Hey, I can hear." I say.

"Finally!" Lucas says dramatically.

"Whatever." I chuckle getting up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lucas asks bringing me back.

"Lucas, don't you think that I should do this alone?"


"It could kill you."

"You're not doing it alone!"


"I said no, Elisabeth."

"Just hear me out!!"

"No!! We're in this together!!"

"If yo ass get killed, I'll kill you." I say. He laughs while I stop and think over what I said.

"Oh." I say. He kisses me.

"I charge extra for sex in the back of my cab." The cab driver says. I sigh pulling away.

"How much extra?" Lucas asks not joking.


"So, where to?" I ask Zack.

"He might be working out of a warehouse nearby." Zack says.

"So, we're going there?" I ask.

"No." Hosea says.

"No, WE'RE not going anywhere. You ladies are staying in the hotel." Lucas says wrapping his arm around Elisabeth.

"What?! No." Elisabeth says.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I ask her.

"It's fauqing and yes! What happened to we're in this together?!" She yells.

"Fine, you can come." Zack says.

"You wanna come too?" Hosea asks me.

"Hell nah. My nigga." I say folding my arms.

"You're not going!" Lucas growls. Their still arguing?

"She'll stay." I say after a couple minutes of arguing.

"Well, then it's decided, you're staying." Luke says. Possessive, much?

"So, my ass don't got a say? Cool beans, Cool Beans. Sometimes y'all can be-"

"Ready?" Lucas asks interrupting Elisabeth.

Hmm, maybe just one more biteWhere stories live. Discover now