Maybe it was only me that cared Part2

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Liam walks up the stairs. The people that get to have kids. I look and see Zack pressed against the window. Weirdo. I walk over and shut the blinds.

"Why does it always have to be the cute ones?" I ask myself.

"Elisabeth!" Zack yells. I walk outside to him.

"Zack." I say.

"Elisabeth?" He presses his face to the glass.

"I'm behind you." I laugh.

"Oh. I just came to get my keys."

"Really? It seems like your a peeping Tom."

"No, but since you brought it up...."

"I didn't bring it up."

"Who is that guy?"

"Not that it's any of your business but Liam is a friend." I fold my arms.

"A friend? I've been a friend. I know what that means."

"Seriously? I'll go get your keys." I leave him outside and went to bed.

"She's not coming back, dude." I open a window.

"Liam, is it?" He asks.

"Yeah. No need to worry, I'm gay." I tell him.

"Oh." He leaves. I'm not gay but it was weird having some ex boyfriend out the window. Especially when I'll be the current.

Hmm, he's gay. At least he won't try to rape Elisabeth, maybe take her shopping or something like that. Yeah, She'll be fine. I still don't have my keys.

"Brother. Get in." Luke says in my car.

"You took my keys." I get in.

"I've gained information about the crashing of the spirit world, it's because the anchor has become 'sick'." He does air quotations around sick.

"So, the anchor is not sick?" I ask.

"Exactly. When the anchor dies, so does the spirit world."

"What does Elisabeth have to do with it?"

"She's the anchor."

"No, no. No, she's not. If Elisabeth was dying, she would tell me."

"Maybe because she doesn't want to be treated like a dying person."

I get up and throw up like usual. I mark a day off my calendar.

"One more week." I say.

"One more week for what?" Liam asks standing in my doorway.

"Come in." I say and close the door once he's inside.

"I have an unknown condition and it's causing me to die." I say.

"But you look so happy."

"Who says dying has to be sad? I'm fine, just doing life." I smile.

"What about the people who has no idea, one week from now that you'll be dead?" Liam points out.

"Please, don't treat me any different. I want my last weeks to be like it is: No worries, no death just happiness." I plead with him.

"I can't do that. Pretend that everything is okay."

"You won't have to pretend because everything is okay."

"Why are you telling me this?" He asks. I shrug.

"I don't know." I walk down stairs to make breakfast.

"At least let me help." Liam says opening the refrigerator.

"Liam." I say.

"Only because you're letting me stay here." He stands his ground.

"Alright. Get the eggs out the fridge."

"Are you always this bossy?" He asks.

"Yes. Yes, she is." Sandra comes downstairs with Jaysen.

"You stayed here last night?" I ask.

"Yeah. I had to crash with Sandra because him here stole my room." Jaysen lies.

"Sure. That was the reason." I say. I get ready for school while eating breakfast. I go out to my car. Right as Zack pulls up to the school I'm inside, going to first period.

"I need to talk to you." Zack says.

"I can't talk right now. I missed MMA circles last week, I have to figure it out."

"I'll make a scene."

"You wouldn't." I whisper.

"I would!" He yells. Everyone turns and looks at us. I push him out in the hall.

"You're dying?" He asks.

"Who told you that?" She asks.

"How about No, Zack, my love, I am not dying?"

"I am and they have no idea what it is." She tells me. I collapse on the floor next to the lockers. She sits down next to me.

"Zack, I'm alive now. Isn't that all that matters?"

"No. We are suppose to end up happily ever after. I love you." I tell her.

"I love you, too. Death will not change that."

"How long do you have?" I'm scared to know the answer.

"Til the end of this week." I cry in my hands. She reaches over and hugs me.

"I'll find a way to stop this from happening." I promise her.

"Okay, Zack." She tells me.

"I will, Elisabeth. I know you've made peace with it but I won't." I will not lose her.

Hmm, maybe just one more biteWhere stories live. Discover now