Chapter 2

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After the dinner, Jennie lead Lisa back to her room and the latter went back to the same position on her bed, not minding her bleeding head.

"I'm going to get a first aid kit first." Jennie said and locked the door first before quickly sprinting to their office to get the first aid kit and going back quickly to Lisa's room.

Once she unlocked it, she closed it quietly and quickly opened the first aid kit to get cleansing wipes and she carefully wipe the blood to clean the wound. She then put antiseptic cream on it and put a gauze to prevent infection.

"There." Jennie said with a small smile and she didn't realize Lisa was already staring at her with a blank and unreadable expression. Jennie suddenly felt uncomfortable with her stare. "Y-you don't have to give that patient a headbutt you know." Jennie nervously chuckled. "She doesn't know what she's doing." Lisa kept staring at her and she heard a faint sigh from her and she grew a little concerned. "Are you okay? Do you need or feel anything?"

"I'm tired." Lisa shortly said as she took her gaze away from Jennie and stared back at the wall.

"Okay. Take a rest and have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow." Jennie sighed and put a smile on her face. She closed the first aid kit and walked out of the room then locked it.

Lisa glanced at the door when Jennie locked it and Lisa, for the first time, smiled.


The next morning, Jennie was called by the supervisor at his office. She grew nervous. She recently just started her day at the asylum and now she was called to go to the supervisor's office. Did she do something wrong? Was she going to be relocated again? Or worse, was she fired?

When Jennie reached the door, she took a deep breath and knocked thrice before entering.

"You called for me?" Jennie asked and the supervisor, Mr. Choi, stopped doing on his computer to look at Jennie.

"Have a seat, please." He ordered. Jennie did what she was told, she sat nervously on the chair and waited for the supervisor to speak up. "So you're the new nurse of Lisa, right?" Jennie nodded. "She should learn her lessons from the trouble she had caused. For three weeks, she won't be able to get out of her room unless necessary. Starting today, she will eat in her room and do therapeutic activities there." Jennie sighed in relief, she still has a job. 

"Noted, sir." Jennie nodded.

"Alright, you may go now. Make sure to tell her that and make her understand the consequence that was given to her." Mr. Choi said and Jennie just nodded then she stood up to step out of his office.

Jennie went to their office first to check her to-do list when Irene spoke to her.

"Hey, what did the supervisor tell you?" Irene asked.

"He told me to keep Lisa in her room for three weeks to learn her lessons." Jennie said as she sat on her chair and wrote something on her note.

"So you're going to spend most of the time in her room? Be extra careful, Jennie. Her stare makes me really uncomfortable. It's like a demon is living inside of her."

"It's nothing I can't handle, don't worry." Jennie jokingly said.

"I'm serious."

"Who aren't?" Jennie chuckled.

"Uh...these insane airheads?" Irene shrugged as she pointed with her thumb to the door.

"Well, wish me luck. I'm going to start my day now." Jennie announced as she stood up and put her note in her drawer.

"Very best of luck." Irene said.

Jennie bid her goodbye to Irene and she walked out of their office and headed to Lisa's room. Lisa was in her usual spot when Jennie first met her. When Jennie opened the door, she knocked first to make her presence known but Lisa didn't notice her. Jennie went in and securely closed the door behind her and grabbed a chair to sit across from Lisa. She heaved a sigh before she spoke.

"Good morning, Lisa. How are you feeling today?" Jennie softly asked and she wore a warm smile. Lisa just looked at her for a split second then blinked her eyes. "Lisa, you may have known what you've done to the other patient, right?" Lisa didn't respond, not even shaking her head or nodding. "So the supervisor told me that you won't be leaving this room for three weeks unless necessary as a consequence of your action and behavior." Jennie told Lisa. "So...starting from today, it would be just you and me. If you need anything, don't be afraid to tell me. You're in good hands, okay?" Jennie smiled. "Let's start, shall we?" Jennie looked at her clipboard as she read the questions she prepared for Lisa. "So Lisa, how did you end up here?"

Lisa heavily sighed before answering. "Why don't you just ask your friends here that are calling us stupid and airheads instead of asking me?" Lisa said in a low voice.

"Oh, um...well I want to know you personally and if I ask the nurses about you, they might just tell me all the bad things that you did."

"I am bad, you've got it right."

"If you'd just cooperate with me then I can help you get out of here. You'll be free." Jennie said and Lisa stared at her, almost glaring.

"You don't need to know the reason why I'm here."

Jennie heaved a sigh and set aside her clipboard and rest her hands on her knees.

"This may sound weird or crazy maybe, but I want to be friends with you. I want to know you better." Jennie softly and calmly said.

"Yeah, that sounds crazy and no, I don't want to be friends with you." Lisa responded with an ice-cold voice.

"Okay, how about this?" Jennie started and Lisa stared at her. "Do you know any games? Like board games or anything in particular?"

"What are you up to?" Lisa scoffed.

"If you win, I'll tell you something about me or you could ask me anything. But if I win, you'll do the same. Easy as that." Jennie smirked and Lisa chuckled and shook her head.

"Let's play chess then." Lisa said and Jennie gulped. She knew how to play chess but she doesn't know any strategy to win the game. Lisa laughed at Jennie's expression. "Seems like you're not a fan of the game."

"I-it's not that. I'm already thinking about what strategy I should use to defeat you." Jennie lied and then she stood up. "I'll be right back and get the chessboard."

After looking for a chessboard, she rushed back to Lisa's room. She prepared the board for them on the table between them and when she was done, she untied Lisa's sleeves and sat across her as she wore her game face on while Lisa was just staring at her.

"Prepare to lose." Jennie said with a smirk on her face.

"Are you telling me that or were you telling that to yourself?" Lisa fired back with a chuckle. Jennie just shook her head and made the first move.

They were already playing for about twenty minutes and clearly, Jennie was losing. She felt a cold bead of sweat rolling down her forehead.

"I think it's already clear who's going to win. Let's stop this already." Lisa broke their silence.

"Did any of us already say checkmate? No? Then let's continue." Jennie said, determined. Lisa secretly rolled her eyes as they continued to play.

Ten minutes later, the winner was announced. Surprisingly, Jennie won their match and her joy was evident on her face. Lisa just sighed and stared at Jennie.

"Now what?" Lisa asked when Jennie wasn't still done with her little victory dance.

"Oh, yeah." Jennie cleared her throat and composed herself. "I'm just really curious why you ended up here. I mean, you're the sanest person I've met here."

"You're right, I'm not insane to be here because I really am not."

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