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"How lovely to see you. It's been a while," I said.

"I see you're hanging out with him again," she spit out, disgust laced in her voice 

"I am and it's been great. Thanks for noticing."

I turned the other way and started walking down the hall. I wasn't trying to avoid Dani , I just didn't appreciate where this conversation could go knowing she was upset with me already. I was finally in a good place with Louis and I didn't need anyone messing that up, especially her. 

"I just think it's so interesting that you're all buddy buddy again. Especially with what you said about him last summer," she went on after catching up to me. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know. When we all went to the beach and got super drunk. I distinctly remember you talking so much shit about Louis and all these things from his childhood. Stuff about his parents, aunt and uncle and even his sisters. I think I still have is saved somewhere. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find it."

My pace faltered as I came to a stop, blocking the middle of the hallway. Of course I remember that night. I was hurt from the lack of care from Louis that day. We had run into each other at the store and I had stopped to say something, a hello or something, but he simply pushed past me and kept on moving. That was the time I truly realized what I had lost and how severe it had become. Not even a look from him in my general direction. And it hurt. 

I don't understand why she would say any of this. She never had an objection to Louis and hardly, if ever, participated in our teasing of him. What brought all of this about so suddenly?

"I don't know what your problem has been with my lately, but it needs to end. Now." I turned quickly on my heel to face her. Her gaze was laced with venom as we stared each other down. 

"We both know you aren't good at making threats, Harry. So, quit pretending you can," she quipped. Her arms crossed over her chest made her look meaner then she actually could be. This was the girl who called us over to kill a bug for her because she would feel too bad if she did; yet here she is, threatening me. 

"You don't know what I'm capable of doing to you. Don't push me, Dani. I'll go to the end of the world for the ones I love," I fired back, not willing myself to lose this. 

"Oh yeah? It doesn't seem like that from my end. If you really loved someone, you wouldn't have hurt them in the first place."

No words came to my mind to reply because that was true. I shouldn't have hurt him at all, it came out of a selfish place at the time. Nothing mattered more than popularity and being liked by my peers. I'm older now and with that comes the realization that none of that matters anymore. 

Dani stalked off, leaving me to sulk and regret not saying anything else. She shouldn't have had the last word, it will only do more harm in the end. I walked to the lunch room, already missing half the normal time I would have to eat. I wasn't hungry anymore. 

Plopping down next to Louis, I played the exchange over and over gain. Trying to find a sense of truth in her words and motive. Does she hate me? Is that why she said those things to me. She's been upset for a few weeks now with me but I have no idea why. 

"You all right?" Zayn asked from next to Liam. Both of their faces turned to face me, worried expressions on their faces. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled back at him and joined the conversation.

I spent the rest of that day and the next watching my back, waiting for Danielle to confront me again. She had me on edge with her threat. I couldn't tell if she was actually serious or not or whether she even had that video. If she did, I have to get it from her and delete it. I don't know all that I said on it, but I know that it's probably really bad. 

The only conclusion I came to, after a long time of thinking, was that she wanted something from me. What else would explain the hostility towards me? I don't think I did anything that would elicit this type of response. 


Hi everyone,

Sorry for such a long wait between updates, I'm kind of hit a roadblock with this story and it's been hard working through it. Hope you all are doing well!


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