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    "A romantic gesture. I remember that is all he wanted when we were kids. He talked about it all the time and how he imagined it would all go. I say we do it, go all out for this," Liam suggested. 

"He did talk about those all the time. I remember this one he would talk about all the time with photos and the park down the street from his place. I agree, let's do this."

We all got in my car and drove from school back to my place. I explained the idea more thoroughly to them in the car and what I would need them to do to help. Nobody was home when we arrived, so we went to my room and pulled out paper and a board to write down the plan on.

Liam pulled up his photos on his computer, as did I. We went through them as quickly as we could, finding the ones we liked best as Zayn ran to the store. He came back an hour later with 300 hundred lightbulbs and clothes pins. 

We spent most of the night perfecting the plan and making the crafts it required. Everything was falling into place as the morning hours rolled around. I laid in bed after Liam and Zayn left, with butterflies in my stomach as I thought about what was going to happen today; I would be getting Louis back. I've been waiting for this day for years. Ever since I cut him off, I've wanted to get him back in my life and today was the day. 

I spent the rest of the night restless, too excited to get the show on the road. I quickly got dressed and went to get the photos from the store, looking through them as I sat in my car in the parking lot. They all came out so well, I was going to keep them after today was over, frame some of them. Nothing could bring my mood down today, it's like I was flying high, on top of the world. 

Liam and Zayn arrived in the morning to help me put the final touches on what we had with us before we went to the park, setting everything up. I stepped back as Zayn finished hanging up the last light. It looked amazing, just like Louis described when he was younger. I couldn't wait for him to see all of this. 

"Wow, it looks incredible. I can't believe we set this up." Zayn joked. 

I waited as Zayn and Liam went over the plan one last time, making sure everything was in place before Louis came. My stomach became tense the more they talked and the more I thought. I was nervous for this. 

"Alright, I'm going to get Louis now. Go over what you are going to say one more time. Zayn, do you want to come with me or stay here?" Liam asked. Zayn looked at me, waiting for a confirmation of what he should do.

"Go, you'll only make me nervous." He smiled and gave me a thumbs up as the two began to walk towards the car. 

"You've got this, it's going to work. It has to," he called back, almost as an after thought. 

Time went by quickly as I went though my speech and before I knew it, Zayn had sent me a text saying they were here. I could see the lights of the car pull into the park and hear the doors close. 

"I don't understand what were doing here," Louis asked, still following the two others. 

Liam and Zayn came into my perspective, each smiling at me as they neared. Then, Louis appeared. He looked like he just woke up from a nap, a soft look on his face and hair disheveled. I smiled when I saw him, he frowned and froze in his place.

"What the fuck?"

His eyes locked with mine for a moment, and my world stopped, before he broke contact to look around at the work we did. I watched his expression as he looked at the lights and at the photos of us. They were of us together over the years, and they covered every space between the lights. Over a hundred photos of us covered the spaces between the trees. Photos from grade school and birthdays, holidays and sports games. Each one displaying a different time in our friendship. 

"Louis," I started, "I asked Liam to bring you here because there are some things I have to say and I hope you'll let me."

Louis didn't say anything, he just continued to look at the photos of us, his expression unreadable as he moved from one to the next. So, I continued.

"I've spent the last few years trying to decide what to say to you, but I've never had the right words and I don't think I'll ever figured them out. What I did, was terrible and I regret it everyday, but I can't change the fact that it happened. I have no words for why I did it. Being popular, at the time, was what I wanted and apparently I would do anything to get it. I didn't know that it would cost me one of the best friendships I've ever had. 

"I would do anything to be able to have something like what we had when any of these photos were taken. I still care so much about you and I've been shit at showing it because I was too scared. Scared that it was too late to fix things between us and I'm hoping that it's still not.

"So, Louis, what do you think?" 



Here is the next part of this story. I know I have been gone for a while, but I will be back for a little bit. I have an exciting summer planned but will try to update when I can! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part! I'm working on the next one. What do you guys think Louis will say to this? What do you guys think?


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