Chapter Forty

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"Ladies and gentleman, I give you Mr and Mrs Black." We walked into our reception together to applause. The scene was completely different. Our reception was in a hired wedding tent which had a ceiling that was covered but transparent so you could see the night sky. The decorations here were only white now.

We cut a three-tiered pink and gold iced cake where all the wolves had a slice or three. The buffet went down a treat with the packs too.

I went under Renesmee's skirt and took off her garter with just my teeth. Renesmee threw her bouquet and it landed in Leah's hands. We took to the dance floor for our first dance and we danced with everyone. I got to dance with Bella, Esme, Sue, Alice, Leah, Emily, Rachel, Rebecca and even Rosalie! I danced with vampires both gold and red eyes. Speeches were given too.

"I hated Jacob when I first met him because he smelt," Every vampire and wolf snorted with laughter at Rosalie's words. "However, Jacob became a part of our family and he is someone who I know will take great care of my niece." I smiled at Rose, nodding to her.

"Renesmee has made my son so happy. They are a perfect match and you can never see one without the other. I hope you live a long and happy life together." Billy said. Nessie mouthed thanks to him.

"It feels like we have barely spent any time with our daughter. Years seemed spun into weeks because she grew so fast. And as any father would probably say... No man would ever be good enough for their daughter. But with Jacob... I feel like Renesmee couldn't be safer. In fact, I know that she wouldn't be safer with any other person. Jacob makes Nessie so happy. They are matching puzzle pieces and I couldn't be happier to welcome Jacob into our family. He has been a part of our family for so long and despite all the odds, he fits there. So Jacob... Welcome to our family. To Renesmee and Jacob." Edward toasted. It was my turn at last. I stood up in front of everyone, microphone in one hand and a flute of champagne in the other.

"Everyone dreams of finding the perfect one. And at first, I thought I had found her in a complicated friendship. But the friend was already someone's perfect one and she wasn't mine. But I never could pull myself away from her. Our friendship never made sense... Until I lied eyes on Renesmee. And then suddenly, everything made sense. Because no one had ever made me feel like this. She was something else. She was so perfect with not a single fault. A brilliant word to describe such a girl would be to say she was flawless.

"Renesmee is everything I could have ever needed and I can't imagine a life without her. The world changes around us every day and will continue to do so but I know that with every day that comes, my love will only continue to grow and won't ever change. The start of forever begins with an F which neither of us can make sense of but it ends with an R. So Nessie, I'll bring the for if you bring the ever. Our life is just beginning and so let it never end. So here's to my bride, my wife and the only woman in my life that could ever hold my heart. A toast to my Nessie." I lifted my flute to Renesmee. She blushed and bent her head then lifted it again after a second.

We danced again later that night.

"Are you happy?" I asked her.

"I couldn't be happier." She replied. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement.

"I love you so much, Renesmee." She sighed happily.

"I love you too, Jacob," I twirled her round in a circle and pulled her back against my body. She looked up at the sky and smiled in wonder. "Look..." I looked up too.

"A shooting star."

"You have to make a wish." She told me. I smiled softly and stroked her cheek with the tips of my fingers.

"Why make a wish when all my dreams are coming true?" I looked down into Renesmee's warm chocolate brown eyes where the start of my forever began.

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