Chapter Thirty-Six

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Five Years Later

I opened the door and poked my head around.

"Hello? Anyone home?" My father wheeled himself out of his cupboard bedroom and into the front room joint kitchen.

"Jacob!" A smile spread across my father's face. I smiled too.

"Hi, Dad." I embraced my old man. He was greying in places and his arthritis was playing up now worse than ever.

"Are you coming back for good?" He asked, happily. I moved around my father's wheelchair and sprawled out on the couch.

"Well, it's been just over twelve years now. Normally the Cullens would wait two lifetimes until they came back to Forks but Bella wanted to be close to Charlie and I wanted to be close to here so ..."

"I'm glad you're back, Jacob."

"Me too, Dad. It's great to be home."

"Where's Renesmee?"

"She, Bella and Edward went to see Charlie. I had to do a solo trip." Rachel walked out of the bedroom. She and Paul had been on a cruise a year back for a honeymoon but they were back and Rachel was fifteen weeks pregnant. She had a slight bump showing.

"Jake!" Rachel embraced me. I hugged my sister back.

"Hey Rach. Where's Paul?"

"Out on patrol. They caught a whiff of a vampire." She winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Eurgh cut the crap, sis." She smiled and sat on the love seat next to my couch.

"Anyway, why are you here Jacob?" Billy asked.

"I want to propose to Renesmee." My father's smile stretched wider across his face.

"You're getting married?" I nodded, smiling too.

"Congratulations, Jacob!" Rachel squealed in delight.

"She hasn't said yes yet!" Rachel stopped squealing and clasped her hands to her chest. Billy nodded in understanding.

"You want your mother's ring?" I nodded.


"Go get the wooden box off my window sill please." I heaved myself off the couch and wandered into my father's tidy box room. The blinds were open, letting in the weak sunlight and the window was open a couple of inches. On the window sill was the ornately carved wooden box. It had designs of dolphins on the lid. I took it into the front room and gave it to my father. He lifted the lid, showing the red velvet inside. Billy took out a small jewellery box. Red velvet. He opened the box and held it out. Inside the ring, on a cushion of black velvet was a gold ring band with a cluster of silver diamonds and a purple amethyst set in the middle. It was extremely elegant and I knew that Nessie would love it.

"It's beautiful." I told my dad. He smiled. I closed the lid, knowing that when I opened it again, it would be to propose to my girlfriend of six years.

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