Chapter Three

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I woke around eight and went back into the house to find Renesmee sitting at the kitchen table, eating pancakes covered in maple syrup.

"Jake!" She grinned when she saw me. Her mouth was stained with the sticky golden liquid. I broke into a smile too. Her happiness was just infectious.

"Hey, Ness. Where's my stack?" I took a seat opposite Renesmee. Rosalie scowled at me.

"Make your own, dog." Renesmee looked at her aunt, pleadingly.

"Please, Auntie Rose?" The blonde Barbie looked at Renesmee and sighed.


"You're the best auntie ever." Renesmee continued to scoff down her food. Alice danced into the room.

"I thought that was me." She teased. Renesmee smiled up at her other aunt.

"You are too, Auntie Alice." Alice winked at her niece and hopped onto the counter beside Rose.

Rosalie handed me a plate of pancakes and I took them with one hand while picking up a fork with the other.

"Thanks, Blondie." Rosalie sighed and started to clean up the dishes. I grabbed the maple syrup and covered my stack with the liquid. Nessie handed over her empty plate to Rosalie and then continued to watch me eat. I offered her some of mine but she shook her head and continued to watch me.

From the back room, we could hear soft piano music playing. Edward usually played more than anyone else did. Rosalie could play and so could Renesmee but Edward was more attached to the instrument than anyone else.

Renesmee got off her seat and took two glasses out of one of the cupboards. Alice swung her legs out of the way so Nessie could get to the fridge. She took the milk out and poured some into both cups. She then put the milk back and gave one to me. I smiled my thanks and then Nessie left the room. I finished my pancake stack, downed my milk and put my dishes in the bubbly sink. Blondie scowled at me as I splashed some foam down her shirt.

"Sorry bloodsucker." She smiled icily at me. I left the room to find Renesmee. She was stood behind Edward. Bella was leaning over the piano towards him. Both girls were engrossed in watching Edward play. I decided to let Nessie have some family time and walked through the double doors into the front room. Esme was sat in the armchair, knitting. Emmett was watching some game on the flat screen.

"Where's Carlisle and Jasper?" I asked, sitting in the other armchair.

"Hunting," Esme answered. She didn't look up from her knitting.

"You getting into the old granny phase now?" I smiled at the motherly figure of Esme. She smiled and rolled her eyes at me.

"No. I like doing a spot of knitting and sewing when I can."

"Only a matter of time now until granny phase though." Edward was in the room now. The music at the piano had gone but the last note was still fading in the air. Bella walked in and he slipped an arm around her waist. Renesmee followed them and sat at my feet.

"Why's that?" Esme smiled up at Edward.

"Because Nessie is getting older. She's nearly sixteen now." Edward smiled proudly.

"Sixteen is a big deal! It's a MILESTONE." Alice danced into the room, followed by Rosalie. Rose went to sit on Emmett's lap and Alice folded herself onto the floor.

"No big massive parties. We know how well that goes." Bella told her. All of the Cullens shuddered at some memory. Renesmee looked up at me, mystified. I shrugged my shoulders at her. I had no idea what they were going on about.

Renesmee touched my bare leg.

Want to go for a walk? Nessie's idea of a walk was around the trees and towards the spot of private beach. She wanted to go near the beach. I glanced up at Edward. Nessie followed my gaze and looked at him too. He sighed.

"Fine! But be back before dinner." I frowned at Edward.

"We'll be back before LUNCH." He smiled at me.

"Thought you might say that." I stuck my tongue out at him.

Eternal Flame: Renesmee and Jacob FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now