Chapter Six

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I phased and put on my shorts before going back into the house. I could immediately tell what was wrong. Rosalie was pacing back and forth anxiously. Esme was sat on the edge of the couch, biting her nails. There was no one else in the house.

"Renesmee isn't back?" I gasped. Esme stood up, one hand held up to stop me.

"Jacob-" I turned back for the door, punching the door frame with all my strength. Waves and waves of fear were running through me, making me tremble. I ran outside but stopped on the steps. Carlisle and Alice were coming through the trees. Carlisle had Renesmee in his arms. She was limp. Edward and Bella were behind them. I only had eyes for Nessie. Her eyes were closed but she was breathing and I could hear her fluttering heartbeat. But she was pale, drained of colour. Ice struck my heart and I gripped the bannister for support.

"What's wrong with her?" I whispered in my horror and panic.

"She's fine, Jacob. She just tripped."

"That means that she is NOT fine." I followed Carlisle into the house. Rosalie and Esme both gasped when they spotted the girl in his arms.

"Go get my bag, Alice." Alice disappeared. Carlisle laid Renesmee down on the carpet. I collapsed on my knees beside her. Bella and Edward did too. Carlisle was by her head. I could see the cut on her forehead, just above her left eyebrow. I glanced at all the vampires but not one of them showed any sign of discomfort.

"She has venom traces in her blood. Makes it less appealing." Edward murmured.

"Easier to mend though," Carlisle muttered as Alice placed his bag by his side. Carlisle propped Renesmee's head up, laying it down on his knees. He gently pushed the sides of the skin on either side of the wound together. The skin seemed to seal together. The bleeding stopped. I watched as the wound became a scar and then faded entirely.

"How is that possible?" Rosalie whispered.

"The venom in her body heals almost as quickly as Jacob's body heals. If she broke her leg, it would take maybe a day, for it to repair. That's the way the venom works." Carlisle replied. Alice quietly handed him a damp cloth and Carlisle wiped away all the blood off Renesmee. I could see the flush of colour returning to her cheeks as the bleeding stopped.

"When was the last time she hunted?" I asked.

"A week ago. She needs to hunt again." Edward replied.

"She can have donated blood when she wakes," Carlisle said.

"Why isn't she waking up, Doc?" I demanded.

"Patience, Jacob."

"Not something I own right now." I was finding it hard to breathe. Renesmee had to be alright. She was going to be okay. If what Carlisle said was true, that meant she would be fine but I had to see it for myself before I could believe. She had to wake up. Carlisle moved out of the way, taking the cloth and his bag with him. Bella moved to take his place, putting her daughter's head in her own lap and starting stroking her hair. Edward held Renesmee's right hand and I took her left. I stroked my thumb in circular patterns, just like I did when she was upset and needed soothing. I held her hand but she had no thoughts, emotions or feelings. Just emptiness. I couldn't prevent a wince.

"Please wake up, Nessie..."

"We're all here, baby. I and Dad are here. Jacob is here too."

"You're okay now, Renesmee. Nothing is going to hurt you." I held Renesmee's hand to my face, kissed the back of it lightly. She had her promise ring from her very first Christmas. She always wore it.

Her eyes flickered open and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nessie..." Bella pulled Renesmee to sit up and then onto her lap. She cuddled her daughter close. Edward put his arms around them both, his eyes closed. We all watched thankfully. I felt relief fill my body and my heart and lungs eased. I could breathe again.

Renesmee opened her eyes and looked at me. She moved out of her parents' arms and went to me instead. She kneeled in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my own arms around her slim body, holding her tightly to me. I breathed another sigh of relief. I could relax now she was alright.

Renesmee touched my arm.

I love you.

"I love you too." I whispered to her. Of course everyone else could hear but I didn't care. I didn't care because it was true. Maybe not in the lover sense but I did love her.

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