Chapter Thirty-Two

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Two flights, one cab drive and one boat journey later, we were at Esme's Island. It was an island with tropical forests and a huge house. The house was so similar to the ones that the Cullens usually lived in that Renesmee and I both felt very much at home. Renesmee started to call numbers and I phased and checked in with my pack. The fight was over at last and people were all over the place. It was too messy to focus and concentrate so I gave up, phased back and went back into the house. Renesmee was sat on the couch in front of a huge blank flat screen T.V. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and her arms were wrapped around them. Tears streaked down her cheeks.

"Nessie!" I gasped. I went to her and hugged her tightly. She cried into my shirt.

"No one picked up..."

"I think they're okay, darling. It's just hard to get details right now." I pulled her onto my lap and rocked her. She continued to cry silently. My white shirt stained with her salty tears. She fell asleep in my arms.


We had been at Isle Esme for two days with absolutely no news, not even a phone call. I phased often but no one was in pack wolf mode and it was all very silent. Not even Sam responded to my calls.

There was food in the fridge and the cupboards so we didn't go hungry. However, there was no blood, donated or otherwise. The animals weren't deer or elk or mountain lions so it was harder to hunt. We refused to go to the mainland and hunt humans and it was too far to hunt animals on the mainland. However, Renesmee never complained. In fact, she barely spoke. She was completely numb. Not even there. Her eyes were dull and when I suggested activities, she went along with them but there was no light.

"Hey, shall we go swimming?" I asked her, leaning over the back of the couch towards her.

"We have no costumes." She murmured. Her voice was completely bored. Dull. Lifeless. It sent shudders down my spine.

"Let's liven things up a bit." I walked around the couch and took her hands, pulling her to her feet. She looked as lifeless as her voice. The spark in her eyes was gone. That sent another shudder down my spine.

"Liven how?" I walked backwards, pulling Renesmee forward. We walked out of the open doors and onto the beach. The sun was setting, turning the water streaked oranges and pinks. It looked quite pretty.

"Let's go swimming..." I bent forward to whisper in Nessie's ear. "Naked." Renesmee pulled back so quickly, you would have thought I just shocked her. The light was sort of there, surprise in her warm brown eyes.

"But... But..." A smile was tugging at her lips. That encouraged me.

"Race ya." I winked at her, dropping my hands and quickly tugging off my shirt.

"Cheat!" She called out, unzipping her skirt. I laughed and heard her giggles as I kicked off my sneakers. I was so used to getting out of my shorts by now that I was in the water before her, running against water. I turned around to see her wriggling out of her tights. She then chased after me. I caught her and spun her once. The light shone in her eyes so bright and I felt so happy...

I placed her on her feet again. She reached behind her and I realised she was taking off her bra. My eyes widened and I found it hard to breathe but it wasn't a painful sensation. It was weird and different. She pulled off her bra, showed me that it was off then threw it out. It floated on the water.

"Cheeky..." I smirked. She winked at me.

"Your turn." I couldn't stop my smirk from slipping down my face. What would this mean? Nessie saw my worried expression and pulled me closer to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she linked her hands around my neck.

"Jacob... I love you so much. I want to show you how much I love you..."

"I know how much you love me. You don't need to do something that you don't want to do."

"But what if I want to?" I hesitated. I couldn't fight her logic. Nessie started kissing my neck and I moaned softly. Her kisses sent electric shocks down my spine, running through my body and into my bloodstream. Her fingers knotted in my hair, pulling me closer. I moved my hands to her legs, lifting her up and folding her legs around my body. Nessie moved her lips back to mine and we kissed passionately.

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