Chapter 6

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"Niiaaallll," a strangled yelp sounded before arms wrapped around my arms and waist.  "Thank God!"

Harry's voice was laced with exaggerated relief and what appeared to be desperation.

"It wasn't the same without you here.  All of us were falling apart, I swear!" Harry's eyes were wide and he was nodding his head vigorously.

"Mm yes, I'm sure you were," I shook my head and smiled, Harry releasing me so we could walk side-by-side to the locker room.

Harry was sporting another snapback today, this one black.  It was starting to become a game for me.  What color snapback will Harry wear tomorrow?  I was smiling to myself without realizing it.

"What are you so happy about?" Harry elbowed my arm lightly, a teasing tone to his voice.

"Just glad to be back," I sighed, breathing in the scent of chlorine that I knew I would be sick of by the end of the summer.

I opened my locker and stuffed my wallet, keys, and phone in, followed by my vans.  I grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it off over my head, my hair probably sticking straight up as a result.

"You're not as sunburned now," Harry pointed out.

I froze when I felt his hand press against my back.  He let it slide off soon after, but I could still feel his hand print, cold against my skin.

"So what'd you do yesterday?" Harry asked, leaning on the locker door next to mine.

I shook off the feeling in my stomach and threw my shirt in my locker, waiting to get out my hip pack and whistle until after the volleyball game.

"Mostly just relaxed.  It was pretty boring," I shrugged, shutting my locker and leaning against it, facing Harry.

"That's too bad.  Maybe you'll just have to work here full time," Harry grinned, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something.  It might be kind of awkward, but-"

"Hey, boys! We're about to get started.  Come join," Natalie interrupted me, walking over and glancing between us.

"Cool.  We're right behind you," Harry said, smiling at her.

She gave us both a curious look, before leaving us alone again in the locker room.

"So, what'd you wanna ask?" Harry prompted me to continue.

"Well, I was just telling my mom about work and people I'd met, and she kinda...invited you to dinner," I got out awkwardly.  "With us."

"Yeah?" Harry asked quietly, his lips turning up at the edges.

"Yeah," I scratched the back of my neck, trailing off and returning his smile sheepishly.

"Niall Horan, I would be honored to have dinner with you and your family," Harry's dimples once again made an appearance.

"That's the other thing.  I can talk to you about it later, but my 'family'..." Harry must have heard the invisible quotes around the word because his eyebrows furrowed, and his smile lessened.  "I don't know, I'll tell you later."

Harry looked like he was gonna disagree, but we heard shouts from outside signalling that they were starting.

"Alright, tell me later.  Don't forget," Harry smiled again and waited for my nod of agreement, before we both headed outside.

"Finally, what were you guys doing in there?" Craig greeted Harry and I, as we walked up to all the employees.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see Niall for a whole day.  We had a lot to talk about," Harry winked at me, and I just rolled my eyes.

You Looked Lost (Narry Lifeguard AU)Where stories live. Discover now