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"Ugh come on dude feed your child.  I've told you to five times."  I quietly yell at my computer while playing the Sims 4.  Whenever I play something always doesn't work.  Sigh.

As I continue to play to waste time a thought pops into my head. 

What is my future going to be like?

What job will I have?

Am I going to have kids?

Of course after thinking about the last one Alex popped in my head making me blush.  Damn I need to stop.

I hear a light knock on my door which pulls me out of my thoughts.  When I look I see my mom poking her head into my room.

"I made some breakfast for you if you want to come down."  Her voice was so soft and quiet.  She seemed so drained.

"Yeah I will, just let me save my game."  I respond.  She walks back downstairs, and when I get down there I look around to see a plate of french toast on the new dining room table.  After the party Alex and I went out and got a new one that looked similar to the old one, and Becky took the broken one to burn at her house.

I sit down and start eating, and my mom sits next to me.  It's only weird because she doesn't have any food for herself.  

"What do you have planned for today."  She asks putting her head on her hand.

"Um nothing really.  I was just planning on going to Alex's for a bit to work on a assignment."  

"Can you maybe do it here?"  

"Why?"  Her strange behavior was really starting to creep me out.

"Well I haven't properly met your friend Alex yet, and I don't really want you going out."  The aura of fear she gave off made me worry.

"Again, why?"  By this point I stopped eating and gave her my full attention.

"Remember a few nights ago when I was gone for a couple days?"  


"Well someone from my past contacted me, and I met them again.  They said they wanted to be a part of my life again."  

"Who is it, and why don't you just let them."  My comment seemed to make her angry.  She slammed her fist on the table.

"They have no business trying to meet you!  You've been just fine without them!"  I flinched and immediately shut up.

"Sorry.  Sorry, I just don't want them to get to you, and they will if you go out.  Just please don't go out unless it's necessary."  I just nodded my head to agree and continued eating, so I didn't upset her.

After I finished I went upstairs to keep playing sims.  Although before that I texted Alex to ask if it was okay to work at my house.  I saw I had gotten another text from a girl named Lilith.  She texts me almost everyday just saying things like 'can we please talk?'.  I asked Alex and the others about her and they don't tell me much.  Just not to talk to her, so I don't.  But this morning I just felt like I should.  Something obviously happened between us, and I want to know what is was.

That's when Alex texted me back.

Romeo:  actually I can't hang out today.. something came up

Me:  oh okay, talk to you later?

Romeo:  sure, goodbye

Me:  bye

Well I guess I'm free now.  I go to text this Lilith girl.

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