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"Okay class, before I give you work time with your partners for this project I just want to remind you that since it's December 21st and you've had a week to work you should have at least everything planned out. You may start now; you have all period." Mme. Swanson said while walking back to her desk.

I turn back to work with Alex since we chose to work together. I chose the movie Forrest Gump, and he chose the scene where Jenny and Forrest met. It was a cute scene, but I thought it may be awkward to act out at school since no one really knew we were actually dating yet. We figured we would hang out a lot over Christmas, so we really didn't need to do a lot today.

(The video above is what scene Jessie and Alex are doing.)

"Are you excited for tonight?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it's going to be so fun to hang out with everyone." I've been noticing ever since Alex and I had our date he's been acting more confident an happy than usual. It's just little things though such as not looking down, stuttering less, and smiling/laughing more.

"I just found out this morning as well that my mom is going out of town until Christmas Eve, so the whole house is ours."

What's happening is that our whole friend group was having a sleepover at my house tonight. Becky is even getting Kyle to come. None of us have properly met him, but from what Becky tells us he seems really cool.

Alex and I continue to talk about the plans for break and the project until the hour is over.  We walk out of the classroom still talking, and I really want to hold his hand but I figured I'd wait until we were off school grounds.  

As well as noticing things about Alex, I've been noticing things about myself.  Good things.  After talking to Dan, Phil, and Alex I understand that I struggle with depression with maybe other things like anxiety and PTSD.  The thing is, even though I still have a low self esteem, I'm happy for the most part.  I feel comfortable and content.  It used to be mostly when I was around Alex, but it's at other times now too.

I see Dan and Phil are waiting by my locker. 

"Hey guys."  I say cheerfully opening my locker.  

"Hey Jessie.  Becky was here, but she said she got a text and went to get Kyle."  Phil told me then started talking to Alex.  Dan leans on the lockers next to me.  

"Yeah, apparently he doesn't want to get lost so he just told her to meet her at a park and lead him to your house.  I think he just wanted some alone time with her if you know what I mean."  Dan said wiggling his eyebrows.  

"Whatever.  He doesn't seem like that."  I chuckle while rolling my eyes.  

"Want to bet on that?"  Dan asks like a smart aleck.  

"I bet five bucks that he isn't going to make a move on her."  I say looking him dead in the eyes.

"Ten?"  Dan holds out his hand.

"Fine, ten dollars to whoever is right."  We shake on it and I continue packing my stuff.

Once I'm done we all walk out of the school and to my house.  Alex and I are having a conversation about our French project when I trip in a crack in the sidewalk.  I start falling and squeal because I'm worried about hurting my neck.  That's when I notice I'm not falling anymore.  

I open my eyes and see Alex is holding me.  Heat runs to my face as I stand again.  Glancing back at Dan and Phil I see Dan smirking at me.  I give him a 'whatever' look, and thank Alex for catching me.  

When we all reach my house there's a car I don't recognize in the driveway.  Must be Becky and Kyle.

I look at the guys and shush them because I wanted to sneak up and scare them.  

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