First words.

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Elsa's P.O.V.
Jack and I walk downstairs and see Flinn waiting.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I'm sorry to bother you but I have a message from Pitch."

"What is it?" Jack snaps. A shadow appeared before us and Jack held me closer.

"I will stop at nothing until I get what I deserve. You and your family will never be safe so be warned Jack Frost and Elsa Winters for your happiness will not last much longer."

I run around the castle, looking for any signs of Jack.

"Jack!" I shout as he ran to me.

"What is it?"

"I just put Chloe down for her nap, have you seen Devin?" Oh yeah we also have a new baby named Devin and he's a few months younger then Chloe. Which makes it harder to focus on my family is now I'm queen, meaning I have more responsibilities. And Jack and I are both married as well.

"No, I thought he was with you."

"If he was do you think I'd be asking where he is?" I snap.


"If you're looking for Prince Devin I think I saw him with your sister in the garden." A maid tells me.

"Thank you." I sigh as Jack and I walk to the garden where Anna was with on a bench.

"There you two are." I smile as I walk up to them.

"We were so worried." Jack snaps.

"What he means to say is we were wondering where Devin was." I correct Jack.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I thought you knew." Anna stands up and hands me Devin.

"It's ok. But I can tell Devin is going to be a trouble maker, just like his father." I smirk at Jack.

"I'm not a trouble maker." Jack defense himself as Anna and I roll our eyes.

"Come on Devin." I walk into the castle and walk to the nursery, putting Devin in his crib. It suddenly starts snowing in the room and the siblings giggle and laugh.

"Jack I just put them down." I whine as he walks in the room. He chuckled and we look at the kids.

"I love you Snowflake."

"I love you to Jack." I smile, leaning my head on his chest.

"Son Overland Frost." I muttered.

"What was that?" Jack smirks.

"Nothing." I beam.

"Ahhhhh!" Jack and I turn to outside as we hear the screams.

"What was that?" Jack asked.

"I don't know." I said as we run out of the room, the guards letting us pass as we run down a hall. A maid cowered in the corner as friends tried to get her to talk. I walk over to her and sit on my knees.

"Agatha, what's wrong?" I ask gently.

"T-t-t-that." She stutters, pointing to the wall where the guards and Jack were. I stand up and walk to the crowd, pushing my way through as I reach the front where Jack was. No one is safe anymore.

"Jack." I look at him.

"I know, he's back."

"You're majesty, what should we do?" The captain of the royal guard asked.

"Close the gates, no one leaves or enters. I want double guards everywhere and max security on the nursery. And get the blood off the wall before anyone sees." I order and leave, Jack following me as the guards stay back.

"Elsa, you can't lock the kingdom down." Jack said.

"Watch me." I snap.


"Jack, please-," I put my hands up and sigh.

"Just....let me think this through." I sigh, walking to my room and closing the door where I start pacing. Everyone was depending on me and I didn't have any experience. The time I should have been training to be queen I spent hiding in my room and when I should have been queen I was working for Jack as a slave. 

"Ok, calm down Elsa. What would dad do?" I look at the painting on my wall of my father and walk up to it, seeing my gloves on the table under it.

"Conceal, don't feel." I pick up the candle and cup.

"Put on a show."I pose like my father in the painting as the cup and candle start freezing because of my stress. 

"Make one wrong move and everyone will know." I curl my hands up and close my eyes.

"Elsa?" I gasp and look at Jack as he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"Jack I-I can explain." I hesitate.

"I never knew you had-."

"Neither did I. I thought they were gone forever." I say.

"Elsa powers are never gone. You may fall in love with someone and break up but you still have feelings for them. You may think your powers are gone but they're going to stay."

"Please don't say anything to anyone." I beg.

"Now why would I do that?" Jack chuckled.

"I don't know." I smiled.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Jack smiled.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids, I'll be right back." I smile as I walk out of the room, walking to the nursery where the guards let me in. Two guards stood inside at the door as I walk to Devin's crib. I pick him up as he giggles. Snowflakes fall around him as he tried to grab them.

"Snowflake." I gasp and look in shock.

"What did you say?" I ask outloud.


"Jack!" I smile as he runs in the room 

"What is it, Hans, Pitch?"

"No. Devin said his first word." I smile, my excitement about to kill me.

"What was it?" Jack smiled.

"Go on Devin." I smile.

"Snowflake." Devin repeats and I smile at Jack, who smiled back.

"I can't believe it. Devin said his first word." Jack flew around the nursery in a fit of happiness.

"Quiet down Jack or you'll wake Chloe." I smile as Jack landed next to me.

"I'm just so excited that Devin said his first word." Jack smiled.

"He did Jack, he did."

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